flying|乘飞机前不要吃这些东西!不然的话…… The worst foods to eat before flying( 二 )


"Because flying may cause some folks to feel bloated or extra gassy, thanks to the changes in cabin pressure, it’s wise to avoid anything with carbonation beforehand, like seltzers, sodas or kombucha,” Beckerman said.

She noted that these bubbly beverages can worsen digestive air pockets, causing you to feel “extra belchy, bloated or gassy” during your flight.

"Alcohol consumption tends to cause dehydration and has a different effect on the body than if you were to have a drink at ground level due to the low barometric pressure in the cabin and the low oxygen concentration in blood,” Jonathan Valdez, media spokesperson for the New York State Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, said. “Therefore you are more likely to get inebriated faster and urinate frequently.”

flying|乘飞机前不要吃这些东西!不然的话…… The worst foods to eat before flying

"Certain foods such as onions, asparagus, beans, cabbage, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts can contribute to intestinal gas and bloating because we do not have the necessary enzymes to digest certain carbohydrates known as FODMAPs found in these foods,” Valdez said.

"This, along with a gas expansion that happens inside your stomach and intestines during flight elevation, can lead to uncomfortable gas and flatulence,” he added.


"A cup of joe can leave you dehydrated in an already dry environment,” Valdez said, adding that coffee also has a mild diuretic effect, which can lead to more frequent trips to the bathroom.

Beyond the dehydrating effects, caffeine can also keep you awake during a flight, which is often an opportunity to catch up on sleep. The need for more frequent bathroom visits can also interfere with your ability to doze during your travels.
