flying|乘飞机前不要吃这些东西!不然的话…… The worst foods to eat before flying


flying|乘飞机前不要吃这些东西!不然的话…… The worst foods to eat before flying
Eating on a plane used to be common practice. But in the age of COVID-19, many passengers are understandably less inclined to remove their masks to take a mid-flight bite ― or to even have a snack at the airport.

As a result, it’s more common to eat at home before embarking on a flight. Those with longer travel journeys may even eat a large meal to carry them through the day. Still, not all preflight eats are created equal.

Tracy Lockwood Beckerman, a registered dietitian based in New York City, said it’s worth considering your overall health as you prep for travel, including what you eat and drink.

"Immune systems are tested, digestive systems are thrown off and hydration takes a hit,” Beckerman said. “That’s why it’s so important to eat foods that will keep your immune system strong, keep you hydrated and are easily digested before flying.”

So, which foods are best avoided on a day when you’re traveling by plane?

flying|乘飞机前不要吃这些东西!不然的话…… The worst foods to eat before flying】高钠食物

"It’s super common for dehydration to set in when flying, thanks to the lack of humidity and dry air in the cabin,” Beckerman said. “That’s why it’s not the smartest to have a sodium-laden meal the day before or morning of your flight.”

Beckerman advised going easy on the salt shaker, opting for snacks without added salt and consuming more fresh foods to avoid dehydration-related headaches, constipation and fatigue.
