

France's President Emmanuel Macron gives a press conference in Biarritz, France on Aug 26, 2019. [Photo/VCG]
【september】>National anthem mix-up
French President Emmanuel Macron sent an apology message to Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama for a national anthem mix-up ahead of a football match, Rama tweeted on Sunday.
阿尔巴尼亚总理埃迪?拉马8日发表推文表示,法国总统马克龙就足球比赛前放错国歌一事向其发来道歉信 。
"President Macron expressed his sincere apologies for the scandalous gaffe of the French Football Federation. He called it an "unacceptable mistake"," Rama posted on Twitter.
拉马在推文中称:"马克龙总统就法国足协的失误向我表达了诚挚歉意,他认为这是一个'不可接受的错误'" 。
According to Rama, in his message the French president appreciated the reaction of Albania's national football team players and asked Rama to make his apology public.
拉马还称,马克龙在信中对阿尔巴尼亚国家队球员的反应表示赞赏,并希望拉马将他的道歉信公开 。
Before the European Qualifier match kicked off in Stade de France in Paris Saturday evening, the Albanian football fans and players were expecting to hear their national anthem called "Himni i Flamurit" (National Flag) prior to the start of the game, but the national anthem of Andorra was played by mistake by the organizers.
7日晚,在巴黎法兰西大球场举行的欧洲杯预选赛开赛前,阿尔巴尼亚球迷和球员翘首等待体育场播放他们的国歌《国旗》,但组织方播放的却是安道尔的国歌 。
Albania lost 1-4 against the French team.
这场比赛阿尔巴尼亚队以1比4输给了法国队 。

An easyJet Airbus A320-251N takes off from Nice International Airport for its inaugural flight between Nice and Tenerife, in Nice, France. [Photo/Agencies]
>Off-duty pilot flies plane
An off-duty pilot was hailed a "legend" after stepping in to fly a plane himself to stop the flight being cancelled.
一位休假的飞行员因亲自驾驶飞机使航班免遭取消而被誉为"传奇人物" 。
Michael Bradley, a qualified easyJet pilot, had a busman's holiday when he ended up flying a plane that was delayed by two hours.
迈克尔?布拉德利是一名有资质的易捷航空飞行员,他在休假时遇到飞机延误两个小时,然后他就临时上岗把飞机开到了目的地 。
He told passengers on board the Manchester Airport flight to Alicante that he was offering his services as there was no pilot available.
他对航班上的乘客表示,由于飞行员不在,他将代为驾驶 。这趟航班从英国曼彻斯特飞往西班牙阿利坎特 。
An easyJet spokesman said the flight's delay was due to "the knock-on effects of the French Air Traffic Control failure on Sunday, which impacted on crew and meant they had to rely on standbys".
易捷航空一位发言人表示,航班延误是由于"法国9月1日空中交通管制失误的连锁反应,影响到了机组人员,因此不得不依靠后备人员 。"
He added: "We are grateful to one of our pilots who was travelling on holiday from Manchester to Alicante on Sept 2 with his family and volunteered to operate the flight."
他补充道:"非常感谢我们的一名飞行员,他于9月2日与家人从曼彻斯特前往阿利坎特度假,并自愿驾驶这架飞机 。"
The spokesman also said the incident was "exceptional", Mr Bradley was legally permitted to fly and he was well-rested from taking four days off.
发言人还表示,这起事件是"例外",布拉德利依法获准飞行,他当时已休假四天,驾驶飞机之前得到了充分的休息 。"

The logo for 2022 Qatar Fifa World Cup is pictured in Mexico City, Mexico September 4, 2019. [Photo/Agencies]
>Logo for 2022 WCup released
Qatar finally has a logo for the 2022 World Cup, and it reflects both the tournament's compact infrastructure and winter schedule.
2022年卡塔尔世界杯会徽终于出炉,会徽设计反映出这届世界杯紧凑的基础设施和冬季赛程 。
Using the colors of the Qatari flag, the white emblem is set against a maroon background.
这款白色会徽的背景是红褐色的,采用了卡塔尔国旗的色彩搭配 。
It is inspired by the contours of the World Cup trophy with the unbroken loop depicting a figure of eight - the number of stadiums built for the Middle East's first World Cup in the tiny Persian Gulf nation.
