entirely entirely

entirely entirely

1.all together的意思跟together的意思类似,可以解释为“with each other’ or 'at the same time', and is similar to together”,即一起、一道、同时 。即全部在同一地方或同一时间 。例如:
Can you put your books all together in this box?
We put our cards all together in one pile. 我们把卡片放成一堆 。
Put your clothes all together in one pile and I’ll wash them for you.
把你的衣服放在一起,我会帮你洗好 。
The last time we were all together was in 2020.
我们所有人上一次聚在一起还是2020年 。
entirely entirely


"Are you all together?" "Yes, Can you do a table for six?" “你们是一起的吗?” “是的,能帮我们安排一张6人桌吗?”
entirely entirely

Let’s sing ‘Happy Birthday’. All together now!
咱们来唱“生日快乐” 。现在一起唱!
The two iron balls fell to the ground all together.
这两个铁球同时落地 。
entirely entirely


2.altogether副词,意思跟all together不一样,altogether是副词,表示:完全地(相当于completely、entirely)彻底地、总计或者总共地(in total)、总的来说 。例如:
I believe it is time to ban tobacco advertising altogether.
我认为该完全禁止烟草广告了 。
We were not altogether sure that the comet would miss the Earth
我们不能完全肯定彗星不会与地球相撞 。
His objective was to kill the space station project altogether
他的目的是使空间站项目全面停止 。
entirely entirely


I don't altogether agree with you.
我不完全同意你的意见 。
I am not altogether convinced by this argument.
我不完全信服这一论据 。
I suspect he isn't altogether unhappy about my absence
我猜想他对我的缺席并没有感到很不高兴 。
His tour may have to be cancelled altogether
他的旅行可能不得不彻底取消 。
entirely entirely


When Artie stopped calling altogether, Julie found a new man
当阿蒂彻底不再上门后,朱莉又找了个男人 。
The long-range goal must be to do away with nuclear weapons altogether.
远期目标必须是将核武器尽数销毁 。
entirely entirely


What he said was altogether another thing. 他讲的完全是另外一件事情 。
This actually is an altogether different game.
这其实是个完全不同的游戏 。
It cost over a thousand dollars altogether.
总共得花1000多美元 。
There were altogether ten students who attended the game .
共有10个学生参加了比赛 。
Altogether, it was a delightful town garden, peaceful and secluded.
总体上说,这是个令人愉快的城市花园,宁静而偏僻 。

“all together” 和 “altogether”两者虽然读音一样,写法也有一定相似性,但两者在意思上是完全不一样的 。
“all together”由两个单词在一起组成的短语,我们取“一起”即可联想到含义是“一起、一道、同时”,而“altogether”则是副词,完完全全是一个一个单词,联想到其含义是“完全地”,进而想到其所有含义“完全地、彻底地、总共;全部地;总的来说” 。
这个记忆方法是不是很快就记住了两个知识点 。
最后强调一点它们可以表达数目上:共有、共计;用在这个时候它们是可以通用的 。
All together there are six new faces in the cabinet.
内阁现在共有6张新面孔 。
How much is it with material and labour all together?
You owe me £68 altogether.
你一共欠我68英镑 。
We have invited fifty people altogether.
我们共邀请了五十人 。《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》
entirely entirely


There are altogether 40 students in this class.
这个班总共有40名学生 。
Britain has a dozen warships in the area, with a total of five thousand military personnel altogether
