quilt中文翻译 quilt

揭开碎花窗帘迎接朝阳、拉开破旧房门上的插销、把用剩粥做的狗食放在潮湿的水泥地上、吃一把六味地黄丸,张同学“流水账”一样的日常好像并不具备模式化网红的要素:没有超高颜值;没有精致生活;没有口播的知识或价值输出;没有乡下奇闻或者“土味”搞笑;甚至没有固定的主题 。

A villager from the countryside of Yingkou city, Zhang uses a smartphone to shoot clips of his simple daily routine - getting up, washing clothes and cooking - in his run down house, and around his village. The delicately edited videos uploaded on short-video platform Douyin have so far won him 30 million likes.

然而很多个人或团队苦心经营数月甚至数年才积攒的粉丝和流量,张同学用60天做到了 。

Unlike many other 'grassroot' celebrities on social media platforms, who have pretty faces, beautiful lifestyles, or an impressive understanding of specific issues, Fellow Zhang doesn’t even have a fixed subject for his videos.

However, the young man has developed the kind of popularity it takes others years to achieve, in just a few dozen days.


张同学视频中看似平平无奇的生活碎片,却充满能够引起共鸣的符号 。碎花棉被、五斗柜、搪瓷缸、铁锅灶台、AD钙奶、泰勒·斯威夫特的海报等等元素勾起人们的回忆 。

白墙皮、灰水泥、老土炕,张同学视频中的房子没加任何滤镜,他本人的出镜也相当朴素 。视频中熟悉的生活场景更是展示了真实的乡村图景,比如钥匙藏门口的砖头下面、洗手只洗两根手指 。

The no-filter country life depicted in his videos has resonated with a large audience. Hiding his house keys under a brick beside the door, washing only the fingers he has to, are all vivid and familiar scenes, and some of the everyday items he uses, such as his floral quilt and enamel cup, remind villagers and urban residents alike of real life.

quilt中文翻译 quilt


因为普通又真实,观众感慨“原来乡村生活是这样的”,“不知在看什么,但就是想再看看 。”人民网在点评时认为,返璞归真的田园慢节奏生活成为很多人治愈心灵的良药,而张同学的视频恰恰迎合了很多人“让生活慢下来”的期望 。

The sleepy pace of rural life has become a kind of therapy for many, and Fellow Zhang's videos cater perfectly to the growing desire to slow down, People.cn commented.

虽然张同学的视频内容够接地气,录制却并不敷衍 。网友赞其“用专业的拍摄手法、高端的剪辑节奏,展示最简陋粗糙的单身汉生活” 。

视频通过第一视角叙事加强了观众的代入感,多样的视频素材包含多机位的细节拍摄和丰富的分镜头,而张同学更是拿准了受众观看短视频的习惯,利用快节奏、反转、具有冲击力的剪辑手法,再加上德国神曲作为配乐,在乡村题材的短视频创作中脱颖而出 。

Although the content is simple, the production of the videos appears to be professional in terms of shooting and editing. The raw footage is either first person perspective, shot by hand on a smartphone, or images of Fellow Zhang on camera, captured by phone on a small tripod.

With close-up views and frames shot from multiple angles, the videos are edited into a quick sequence with a complex structure consisting of reversals, and synch with a German song,
