

TheB-1/B-2 visitor visa is for people traveling to the United Statestemporarily for business (B-1) or for pleasure or medical treatment(B-2). Generally the B-1 visa is for travelers consulting withbusiness associates; attending scientific educational professionalor business conventions/conferences; settling an estate; ornegotiating contracts. The B-2 visa is for travel that isrecreational in nature including tourism; visits with friends orrelatives; medical treatment; and activities of a fraternal socialor service nature. Often the B-1 and B-2 visas are combined andissued as one visa: the B-1/B-2.
B-1/B-2商务旅游签证主要面向短期商务旅行(B-1)或旅游观光/寻求医疗服务(B-2)的申请人 。 一般而言 , B-1签证颁发给赴美从事短期商务活动、参加科技/教育/专业/商务领域的会议、处置房产或洽谈合同的申请人 。 B-2签证颁发给赴美休闲/娱乐的申请人 , 包括旅游观光、探亲访友、医疗以及其他联谊、社交或服务性质的活动 。 B-1和B-2签证通常会合二为一 , 作为一类签证颁发:B-1/B-2 。

Ifyou apply for a B-1/B-2 visa you must demonstrate to a consularofficer that you qualify for a U.S. visa in accordance with the U.S.Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). Section 214(b) of the INApresumes that every B-1/B-2 applicant is an intending immigrant. Youmust overcome this legal presumption by showing the following:
如需申请B-1/B-2签证 , 必须向签证官证明自己符合美国《移民与国籍法》(INA)中规定的签证申请条件 。 根据INA法案214(b)条款 , 所有B-1/B-2签证申请人一律被视为“有移民倾向” , 除非申请人能够证明自己符合下述条件:

  • The\tpurpose of your trip to the United States is for a temporary visit\tsuch as business pleasure or medical treatment.
  • 赴美目的是短期访问 , 比如参加商务/休闲/医疗活动
  • The\tplanned stay in the United States is limited and determined
  • 计划在美停留的时间有限且确定
  • Evidence\tof funds to cover your expenses while in the United States.
  • 有足够资金来支付在美停留期间的所有开销
  • Have\ta residence outside the United States as well as other binding\tsocial or economic ties that will ensure your return abroad at the\tend of your visit.
  • 在美国境外有居所并具有牢固的社会、经济联系 , 能够确保在赴美行程结束后如期返回


Ifyou apply for a business/tourist visa you must payyour $160 application fee and submit the following:
如需申请商务/旅游签证 , 应缴纳160美元申请费并提交下列材料: