签证|美国商务/旅行签证指南( 四 )

  • Criminal/court\trecords pertaining to any arrest or conviction anywhere even if you\tcompleted your sentence or were later pardoned.
  • 犯罪/法庭记录(无论在何地被捕或定罪 , 即使已服完刑期或被赦免也不例外) 。

  • Additionallybased on your purpose of travel you should consider bringing thefollowing:

    此外 , 根据申请人的出行目的 , 可能还需携带下列材料:
    Bringyour school results transcripts and degrees/diplomas. Also bringevidence of financial support such as monthly bank statements fixeddeposit slips or other evidence.
    请携带成绩单和学位证明/文凭 , 以及银行月结单、固定存款单等资金证明 。
    Bringan employment letter from your employer and pay slips from the mostrecent three months.
    请携带单位开具的就职证明以及最近三个月的工资单 。
    Businessmenand company directors
    Bringevidence of your position in the company and remuneration.
    请携带所在公司的职位证明以及薪酬证明 。
    Visitinga relative
    Youshould provide proof that you have a genuine ongoing relationshipwith the person inviting you and provide information about his/herimmigration status in the United States. The following documentationmay be helpful:
    申请人应提供证据来证明自己与邀请人之间具有真实、未间断的亲属关系 , 并且提供邀请人在美国的移民身份信息 。 下列文件可能对申请签证有一定帮助:
    Householdregistration or other proof of genuine family relationship photoswith the U.S. family members in recent years a copy of his/her U.S.passport or green card a copy of his/her passport and U.S. visasetc. If you previously stayed in the United States longer than theperiod granted at the U.S. port of entry you should present theoriginal letter of extension issued by the U.S. Department ofHomelandSecurity.
    户口本或其他能够证明真实亲属关系的文件、近年来与美国亲属的合影、亲属的美国护照或绿卡复印件(如亲属在美属于短期停留 , 则应提供其护照及美国签证复印件)等 。 如果申请人上次在美国停留的时间超过入境美国时批准其停留的期限 , 请在面谈时出示美国国土安全部批准的延期证明书原件 。
    Previousvisitors to the United States
    Ifyou were previously in the United States any documents attesting toyour immigration or visa status particularly all previous U.S.visas even if expired.
    如果申请人以前去过美国 , 请携带相应身份或签证状态的证明文件 , 特别是以前使用的所有美国签证(包括过期签证) 。
    6.SupportingDocuments for Applicants Seeking Medical Care
    Ifyou wish to travel to the United States for medical treatment thenyou should be prepared to present the following documentation inaddition to the documents listed above:
