签证|美国商务/旅行签证指南( 二 )

  • A\tNonimmigrant Visa Electronic Application (DS-160) Form.
  • 非移民签证电子申请表(DS-160) 。
  • A\tpassport valid for travel to the United States with a validity date\tat least six months beyond your intended period of stay in the\tUnited States (unless country-specific\tagreements provide exemptions). If more than one person is\tincluded in your passport each person desiring a visa must submit\tan application.
  • 前往美国旅行的有效护照 , 有效期需超出在美预定停留期至少六个月(享受豁免的特殊协议国除外) 。 如果护照中包含的人数多于一人 , 则每个签证申请人都需要提交单独的申请 。
  • One\t2 x 2 inches (51 x 51 mm) photograph taken within the last six\tmonths. This\tweb page has information about the required photo format.
  • 一张在最近六个月内拍摄的2英寸x2英寸(5.1厘米x5.1厘米)照片 。 有关照片格式的说明 , 请参见此网页 。
  • If\ta visa is issued there may be an additional visa issuance\treciprocity fee depending on your nationality. The Department of\tState's website can\thelp you find out if you must pay a visa issuance reciprocity fee\tand what the fee amount is.
  • 如果签证获发 , 可能还需缴纳一笔签证互惠费 , 具体情况视申请人的国籍而定 。 如需了解签证互惠费的应用范围及其金额 , 请访问美国国务院网站 。

  • Inaddition to these items you must present an interview appointmentletter confirming that you have booked an appointment. You may alsobring whatever supporting documents you believe support theinformation provided to the consular officer.

    除上述材料以外 , 您还应出示面谈预约信 , 证明您已预约面谈 。 您还可以向签证官提供其他支持性文件 。
    Completethe NonimmigrantVisa Electronic Application (DS-160) form.
    完成非移民签证电子申请表(DS-160) 。
    Paythe visa application fee.
    缴纳签证申请费 。
    Scheduleyour appointment on thisweb page. You need the following three pieces of information inorder to schedule your appointment:
    在本页面预约面谈 。 要预约面谈 , 需提供以下三条信息:

    • Your\tpassport number.
    • 护照号码
    • The\treceipt number from your Visa Fee receipt.
    • 签证申请缴费收据上的编号
    • The\tten (10) digit barcode number from your DS-160 confirmation page.
    • DS-160确认页上的十(10)位条形码编号


    Visitthe U.S.Embassy or Consulate General on the date and time of yourvisa interview. You must bring a printed copy of your appointmentletter your DS-160 confirmation page one photograph taken withinthe last six months and your current and all old passports.Applications without all of these items will not be accepted.
