签证|美国商务/旅行签证指南( 五 )

如果申请人希望赴美寻求医疗服务 , 除上述材料和签证官要求的材料外 , 还应准备下列文件:

  • A\tmedical diagnosis from a local physician explaining the nature of\tyour ailment and the reason you require treatment in the United\tStates.
  • 中国本地医师的医疗诊断书 , 说明申请人的病情和赴美治疗的理由 。
  • A\tletter from a physician or medical facility in the United States\texpressing a willingness to treat this specific ailment and\tdetailing the projected length and cost of treatment (including\tdoctors' fees hospitalization fees and all medical-related\texpenses).
  • 美国医师或医疗机构出具的信函 , 表明其愿意为申请人提供治疗服务并详述预期疗程和治疗费用(包括诊费、住院费以及所有医疗相关开销) 。
  • A\tstatement of financial responsibility from the individuals or\torganization paying for your transportation medical and living\texpenses. The individuals guaranteeing payment of these expenses\tmust provide proof of their ability to do so often in the form of\tbank or other statements of income/savings or certified copies of\tincome tax returns.
  • 如果由个人或组织为申请人支付旅费、治疗费和生活费 , 则应出具相应的资金证明 。 如果上述费用的支付担保人为个人 , 则需提供相关的银行凭证或收入/存款证明或所得税申报表的核证副本 , 以此来证明其财力 。
