

Foreignerswho apply to travel in areas not open to foreigners shall submitrelevant supporting materials according to regulations and may issueforeigners' travel certificates for a corresponding period of time.
外国人申请赴对外国人非开放地区旅行 , 按照规定提交相关证明材料 , 可以签发相应期限的外国人旅行证 。
(I)When an individual applies for an alien travel permit he or sheshall submit the supporting materials related to the reasons forstopping or staying in the destination area;
(一)个人申请外国人旅行证 , 应当提交与前往地区停、居留事由相关的证明材料;
(II)For a foreign tourist group applying to travel in a non open area forforeigners the travel agency shall submit a reception plan to theexit and entry administration of the public security organ of theprovincial people's government where the travel agency is located 60days prior to the entry of the tourist group. The exit and entryadministration shall examine whether the tourist route restrictsforeigners from entering the area. If the tourist route does notrestrict foreigners from entering the area there is no need to gothrough the approval formalities; If foreigners are restricted fromentering the area by tourist routes the travel agency shall submitthe reception plan personnel list and copies of valid passports andvisas to apply for approval.
(二)申请赴外国人非开放地区旅行的外国人旅游团 , 旅行社需在旅游团入境前60天向旅行社所在地省级人民政府公安机关出入境管理机构提交接待计划 , 由出入境管理机构审核旅游线路是否途径限制外国人进入区域 。 旅游路线不途径限制外国人进入区域的 , 无需办理批准手续;旅游线路途径限制外国人进入区域的 , 旅行社应提交接待计划、人员名单及有效护照、签证复印件 , 申请办理批准手续 。
Basicprocess and method of handling
(I)Apply. When applying for a foreigner's travel permit the foreignershall go to the Exit Entry Administration Bureau to handle therelevant business. If it meets the relevant provisions the travelagency may apply to the Exit Entry Administration Bureau of theprovincial people's government where it is located.
(一)申请 。 外国人申请外国人旅行证 , 应当由本人到公安机关出入境管理机构办理相关手续 。 符合有关规定的 , 可以由旅行社向所在地省级人民政府公安机关出入境管理机构代为申请 。
(II)Acceptance. After examination if an application for a foreign travelpermit meets the conditions for acceptance it shall be accepted anda receipt of acceptance shall be issued and a decision on whether toissue the receipt shall be made within the period of validity of thereceipt. If the application procedures and materials are incompletethe exit and entry administration organ of the public security organshall inform the applicant at one time of the procedures to beperformed and the application materials to be supplemented andcorrected.
