favoured favour

一直以来,每次雅思写作考试中出现犯罪类话题,都会令考生大呼头疼,因此,我们非常有必要积累该类话题的相关词汇表达 。

favoured favour

Some people believe that juveniles who commit crimes should be treated in the same way as adults, while others feel that there are better alternatives. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
People who are in favour of treating minors as adults if they commit a crime feel that only harsh punishments can act as a deterrent. In a recent survey by a leading Japanese newspaper, six out of ten people thought the possibility of going to prison was effective in stopping young people from breaking the law. For those surveyed, it did not matter if the offence was serious or only a petty crime.
如果未成年人犯罪,赞成将未成年人视为成年人一样定罪的人认为,只有严厉的惩罚才能起到威慑作用 。在日本一家知名报纸的最新调查中,十分之六的人认为入狱的可能性有效的阻止了年轻人犯法 。对于那些接受调查的人来说,犯罪的轻重并不重要 。
1. be In favour of 赞成;支持
advocate v. 拥护
support v. 支持
●Some people support the idea of community service as a punishment for young offenders.
有些人支持社区服务作为对少年犯的一种惩罚这一观点 。
2. harsh punishments 严厉的处罚
severe punishment 严厉的处罚
strict punishment 严格的处罚
●There should be a strict punishment for a crime like murder.
对于诸如谋杀之类的犯罪,应严格处罚 。

However, people on the other side of the debate suggest that these young people may be influenced by others because young people are quite susceptible to peer pressure. If this is the case, are they accountable for their actions? For example, when I was a teen, one of my friends shoplifted cosmetics, and I felt under pressure to follow along with what my friend was doing. Of course, I refused, but if I had stolen something should I have gone to prison? I think adults need to be more forgiving, and young people should be let off.
但是,另一部分人则认为,这些年轻人可能会受到他人的影响,因为年轻人很容易受到同伴压力的影响 。如果是这样,他们是否应对自己的行为负责?例如,我十几岁的时候,我的一个朋友偷窃了一些化妆品,我感到压力重重,无法跟上我朋友的所作所为 。当然,我拒绝了,但是如果我偷了东西,我应该去监狱吗?我认为成年人需要更加宽容,年轻人应该被宽容 。
【favoured favour】3. actions n. 行动
behaviorn. 行为;举止
●At what age are children responsible for their behaviors?
4. under pressure 承受着压力
pressuredadj. 压力的
pushedadj. 处于窘境的
●Some teenagers feel pressured to commit crimes.
一些青少年感到犯罪的压力 。
5. follow along with 跟随
go along with 遵从
●A lot of teenagers go along with what their peers do.
许多青少年跟风他们同龄人的做法 。
6. forgiving adj. 宽容的
lenientadj. 宽容的
●Do you think that the courts are too lenient towards young criminals?
7. let off 免除
escape punishment逃避惩罚
allow sb to walk fre e允许某人无罪释放
●Some white-collar criminals are allowed to walk free.
一些白领罪犯被允许逍遥法外 。
Some people feel that minors who commit crimes should not be put into jail like adults. They hope that these young offenders can be rehabilitated by doing community service. They are also worried that if you lock up teens with adults, then these young people will learn even worse criminal behavior from the hardened criminals in prison. As a result, young people who have been imprisoned are much more likely to re-offend.
有些人认为犯罪的未成年人不应该像成年人那样被关进监狱 。他们希望这些少年犯能通过社区服务来改过自新 。他们还担心,如果你把青少年和成年人关在一起,那么这些年轻人会从监狱里的惯犯那里学到更恶劣的犯罪行为 。因此,被监禁的年轻人更有可能再次犯罪 。
