online是什么意思 on是什么意思

online是什么意思 on是什么意思


1. take v. 拿(走);做;服用;乘坐;花费词形变化:过去式took , 过去分词taken
take care of照顾;
take part (in)参加 , 参与;
take off 起飞;脱下;
take over接管
①本义指“带(走) , 拿(走) , 取(走) , 搬(走)”等表示移动的动作;常见搭配有
take sb./sth. with sb.携带……同行 。例如:
His wife went to Australia, taking the children with her.
他的妻子带着孩子去了澳大利亚 。
②和一些名词连用 , 代替名词相关的某个动词 , 表示相应的动作意义 。常见的诸如:
take a look看一看;
take a seat坐;
take a shower洗淋浴;
take a picture/photo拍照片等等 。
③表示“花费(时间、金钱或努力)” , 常用在
It takes+时间/钱/努力+ (forsb.) to do sth.结构中 。例如:
Organizing a successful street party takes a lot of energy.
成功举办一次街头聚会要花费很多精力 。
It took a few hours for me to get to my office.
我花了几个小时才到办公室 。
④表示“乘坐(交通工具)”或“走(某条路)” 。例如:
I took the first plane out.
我搭乘第一班飞机走了 。
Take the M6 to Junction 19.
走6号高速公路到第19号交叉口 。
反义词:bring v.带来 , 拿来
(2019 , 山东卷 , 单项填空)
25. Roy works in London. It _________him about half an hour to get to work by bus every day.
A. costs B. spends C. takes
2. tasten. 品尝;味道;v. 品尝;尝味;有……味道用法小结→名词用法:
可表示“(食物的)味道 , 滋味”;可表示感官中的“味觉”;可表示“品尝”这一动作 。常用结构有
have…taste/have the taste of 有……味道;
sense of taste味觉;
have a taste of品尝某物 。例如:
You must have a taste of the fruit cake.
你一定得尝尝这水果蛋糕 。
①实义动词 , 表示“(品)尝” , 指用嘴品尝味道的动作 。例如:
It’s always best to keep tasting the food while you’re cooking it.
做菜的时候最好是边做边尝 。
②连系动词 , 表示“有……味道 , 尝起来”;
taste+形容词或taste like+名词 。例如:
The food tasted better than it looked.
这食物吃起来味道比看上去要好 。
What does pumpkin taste like?
【online是什么意思 on是什么意思】tasty adj.味道好的;tasteless adj.无味的
(2019 , 广东卷 , 单项填空)
33. I think tea will taste better ____ some milk in it.
A. for B.with
C. from D. at
3. teachv. 教书 , 讲授;教词形变化:过去式taught , 过去分词taught
①特指在学校里“教书 , 教授 , 讲授”;
teach at+ place在某地教书;
teach sth. to sb.给某人教某课程 。例如:
He taught physics at the local school.
他在当地学校教授物理 。
teach sb. sth./teach sb. (how) to do sth. 。例如:
different methods of teaching children how to read
③指更广义的“教导 , 教育” , 相当于educate;可用于
teach do sth.;
teach sb. sth.;
teach sb. that等:
He taught me that the easy option isn’t always the best one.
他让我明白了简便的选择并非总是最好 。
teacher n.教师;
teaching 教学
(2019 , 北京卷 , 阅读B)But if you teach a man to fish, he’ll eat for a lifetime.
4. term n. 学期;术语;条款用法小结:
①表示“学期” , 例如:
summer/autumn/spring term夏季/秋季/春季学期
②表示“专有名词 , 术语” , 后面常接for sth. 。例如:
Multimedia is the term for a modern technology.多媒体是一种现代技术的术语 。
3terms表示“条款” , 指协议、合同、规定等 。常见于短语:terms and conditions条款和条件 。
