online是什么意思 on是什么意思( 二 )

4在in the long/short term短语中表示“时期” 。例如:
The cost of living will go up in the short term. 生活费用会在短期内上涨 。
(2019 , 广东卷 , 阅读C)Setting up an English club is one of the things we are going to do this term.
5. testv.&n. 测试 , 试验用法小结→关联词组:
test result实验结果;
test method试验方法;
field test现场试验;
test paper测试卷
动词用法:可指医学上“检查(身体)”;对人的知识/能力进行“测验 , 考查”;对机器/产品进行“试验 , 检验” , 常用
test sth.on sb./sth.结构 。例如:
I must have my eyes tested.
我必须检查一下我的眼睛 。
This exam is to test your reading skills.
这次考试是为了考查你的阅读能力 。
It is not allowed to test new medicine on animals.
不允许在动物身上做新药物试验 。
take a test参加测验;
pass a test通过测验;
fail a test测验不及格;
put sth./sb. to the test是某人/某事得到考验 。例如:
Living together will soon put their relationship to the test.
一起生活马上就能考验他们的关系 。
易混单词:text n.文本;课文
(2019 , 北京卷 , 阅读D)Many people believe smart machines are necessarily correct and objective, but machines are trained through a repeated testing and scoring process.
6. thickadj. 厚的;浓的用法小结: 本义形容“厚的” , 可以引申表示树木“繁茂 , 茂密”、烟云“浓密 , 浑浊”、液体“浓稠”等;也可表示测量时“有……厚的” 。
be thick with sth.满是…… 。例如:
The walls are about two meters thick.
墙大约两米厚 。
The air is thick with smoke from the fires.
空气中充满了火灾产生的浓烟 。
thickness n.厚度;
thickly adv.厚地 , 浓地;
thicken v.变浓 , 变厚
反义词:thin adj.薄的
(2019 , 湖北卷 , 选择填空)
34.— Is this Mike’s dictionary?
—No, it’s mine. The thick one on the desk is .
A.his B. yours C. hers D.theirs
7. throwv. 投 , 掷 , 扔用法小结→词形变化:
过去式threw , 过去分词thrown
throw away扔掉 , 丢弃;
throw up呕吐
①表示“投 , 扔 , 抛 , 掷”等动作;
throw sth. to sb.=throw sb. sth.扔东西给某人;
throw sb.朝某人扔东西 。例如:
He threw his shirt to someone in the crowd.
他把他的衬衫扔给了人群中的一个人 。
Someone threw a stone at the car.
有人朝汽车扔了一块石头 。
②表示“随手扔下” , 后面常常需要跟副词或介词短语;
Don’t just throw your clothes on the floor-pick them up!
(2019 , 湖北卷 , 单项填空)We need experts(专家)to teach us things likethrowing and high jump.
8. tiev. (用绳 , 线)系 , 拴 , 扎;n. 领带;绳子 , 结;关系;平局用法小结:
过去式tied , 过去分词tied , 现在分词tying
①表示“(线、绳索等)系 , 捆 , 扎 , 栓”、或“打结 , 系上”等;常常和介词to搭配 , 或用于
tie sth.together (with sth.)结构 。例如:
They tied him to a tree and beat him up.
他们把他绑在树上狠狠地打 。
②用在比赛或竞赛当中 , 表示“打成平局 , 得分相同” , 可单独用作不及物动词 , 或用be tied形式;其后常接介词with 。例如:
England tied 2–2 with Germany in the first round.
在第一轮比赛中英格兰队与德国队以2:2打成平局 。
At the end of the season, we were tied with the Tigers.
赛季结束时 , 我们与老虎队得分相同 。
The rain didn’t stop us from enjoying the trip.
那场雨没有妨碍我们享受旅行的乐趣 。
tie sth. up表示“栓到……上 , 拴住”;
sth. be tied up with sth.把……联系起来 , 使……有关联 。例如:
He left his dog tied up to a tree.
他把狗拴在了树上 。
Her behaviour is tied up with her fear.
她的行为与她的恐惧感有关 。
