online是什么意思 on是什么意思( 三 )

①表示“联系 , 关系”含义时 , 通常用复数形式ties;
用strong/close修饰;与介词between/with搭配 。例如:
close ties between the two countries
The UN is trying to bring the war to astop.
联合国试图结束这场战争 。
②表示“平局 , 得分相同”含义时 , 常用in a tie短语 。例如:
The match ended in a tie.
这场比赛以平局告终 。
(2019 , 辽宁卷 , 任务型阅读)They can help you pull down the basket or tie the balloon to the ground car until you are ready to fly.
9. tired adj. 疲劳的 , 累的;厌烦(倦)的用法小结:
②表示“困倦的 , 疲劳的 , 累的”;
so tired (that)累到……;
too tired to do sth.累得无法…… 。例如:
I’m so tired I could sleep for a week.
我累得一觉能睡一个星期 。
He was too tired to argue.
他累得不想争吵 。
②be/get tired of (doing) sth.
表示“对(做)某事感到厌烦(倦)的” , 相当于
be fed up with sth. 。例如:
I’m tired of watching television; let’s go for a walk.
我看电视都看腻了 , 我们出去走走吧 。
tire v.(使)疲劳;(使)厌烦;
tiredness n.疲劳;疲倦;
tiring adj.累人的;麻烦的:注意tiring用来形容事物 , 而tired指人的感受 。
(2019 , 江苏卷 , 单项填空)
5.Betty felt so tired last night that she ____________ fell asleep in bed after lying down.
A. recently B.suddenly
C. frequently D. immediately
10. totaladj. 总数的 , 总括的;完全的 , 全然的; n. 总计 , 合计用法小结:
①表示“总数的 , 总括的” , 常用搭配有
total number/amount/cost等 。例如:
total sales of 200,000 per year 每年20万的销售总额
②表示“完全的 , 彻底的”;
total failure彻底的失败(者) 。例如:
You were a total failure if you hadn't married by the time you were about twenty-three.
如果你在二十三岁左右还没结婚 , 就是一个彻底的失败者 。
in total总共;
a total of…总共…… 。例如:
A total of thirteen meetings were held to discuss the issue. 总共举行了13次会议来讨论该议题 。
There were probably about 40 people there in total.
总共可能有40人左右 。
词性转换:totally adv.总共;完全地
近义词:complete adj.完全的
(2019 , 湖北卷 , 阅读A)
56. Each cable car can carry__________people in total.
A. 100 B.101 C. 110 D. 113
