方舱|【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】千余市民体验冬奥赛时冰面、小汤山方舱医院实现“双零”目标......

方舱|【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】千余市民体验冬奥赛时冰面、小汤山方舱医院实现“双零”目标......

The National Speed Skating Oval, also known as the "Ice Ribbon", received over 1000 visitors on the first day of its opening on July 09. Visitors to the stadium enjoyed a skating experience on the 6,000-square-meter surface known as the "fastest ice" in the only newly built ice sports venue for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics. The Beijing 2022 mascot Bing Dwen Dwen, the Champions Wall and the medal podium are favorite photo spots. A guided tour takes visitors to explore the venue’s architecture and design.
7月9日 , 国家速滑馆“冰丝带”迎来北京冬奥会后首个对外开放日 , 千余名市民走进这座北京冬奥会唯一新建冰上竞技场馆 , 体验“最快的冰” 。 北京2022年冬奥会吉祥物冰墩墩、冠军墙、冬奥会颁奖台上……都有不少游客拍照“打卡” 。除了上冰体验 , 国家速滑馆还设计了参观路线 , 方便游客感受“冰丝带”内外的建筑之美 。
【方舱|【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】千余市民体验冬奥赛时冰面、小汤山方舱医院实现“双零”目标......】方舱|【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】千余市民体验冬奥赛时冰面、小汤山方舱医院实现“双零”目标......

Xiaotangshan makeshift hospital has achieved the goal of "zero patients’ deaths and zero infections of medical staff" as the last COVID-19 patient was discharged on July 09. The Xiaotangshan Makeshift hospital was put into operation on May 1st, with 12 units and 1200 beds. In the past 70 days, the hospital received 1130 patients, aged 8 to 61. The makeshift hospital will be ready for emergency use at any time according to epidemic prevention and control situation in Beijing.
7月9日 , 随着最后一例新冠肺炎感染者康复出院 , 小汤山方舱医院实现“患者零病亡、医护人员零感染”的“双零”目标 。 5月1日 , 小汤山方舱医院投入运行 , 有12个科室 , 1200张床位 。 截至7月9日 , 方舱医院共运行70天 , 累计接收感染者1130例 。 感染者中年龄最大61岁 , 最小8岁 。 全部感染者出院后 , 方舱医院将根据疫情形势 , 做好随时应急启用、保障救治的准备 。
方舱|【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】千余市民体验冬奥赛时冰面、小汤山方舱医院实现“双零”目标......

Beijing Water Authority released the city’s first urban water logging risk map, covering 64 major risk sites, to provide reference for residents of places to avoid on rainy days. According to the impact on transportation, different areas are divided into four risk levels, marked in blue, yellow, orange and red from lowest to highest on the map. This year, water authorities in the capital have improved the flood warning mechanism. Advance warning for urban water logging will be issued six hours in advance and more than 12 hours for floods.
