方舱|【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】千余市民体验冬奥赛时冰面、小汤山方舱医院实现“双零”目标......( 三 )
A new audio guide was recently introduced to visitors in the National Museum of China and it is in the form of a lollipop! Its shape is inspired by one of the museum’s best known exhibits, a porcelain figurine beating a drum while singing. After connecting the lollipop to a mobile phone using Bluetooth and scanning a QR code on the package, the audio guide service is initiated. An ear-bone conduction chip embedded in the lollipop stick, allowing sound to resonate through the mouth to the eardrum when visitors eat the candy.
近日 , 国家博物馆新推出了用嘴巴“听”解说的“说唱陶俑”语音导览棒棒糖 , 形状取自馆内的“明星”展品——东汉的“击鼓说唱陶俑” 。 将手机蓝牙连接棒棒糖后 , 再用微信扫描外包装上的二维码 , 即可跳转到所在文物的讲解页面 。 这种特殊的讲解方式是在传统的棒签中加入了骨传导芯片 , 在牙齿轻咬糖果的时候 , 语音讲解的声音便通过口腔共振传到耳膜 。
来源:北京日报 北京晚报 北京交通广播
《感受北京 Touch Beijing》
重播19:30-21:00 次日7:00-8:30 12:30-14:00
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