清明|【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】清明假期北京市属公园推出19项活动、北京冬奥会主媒体中心开启赛后建设......

With the upcoming Qingming Festival, Beijing's parks and the China Garden Museum will launch 19 online and offline themed activities. Visitors can enjoy the Qingming Festival culture while out walking on the green, as well as pay respects to the martyrs and national heroes at historic and cultural sites. Some parks will hold online interactive activities on platforms such as Weibo and WeChat, allowing netizens to experience the traditional Qingming culture and learn about spring flowers.
清明假期即将到来 , 北京市属公园及中国园林博物馆推出19项线上线下主题活动 。 市民可在红色文化景点缅怀先烈、致敬英雄 , 也可踏青赏花了解清明节文化 。 各公园还将开展线上民俗科普互动体验活动 , 介绍清明节气文化、春花植物等知识 。
北京冬奥会主媒体中心开启赛后建设 , 预计2024年全面完工
清明|【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】清明假期北京市属公园推出19项活动、北京冬奥会主媒体中心开启赛后建设......

The second phase of the National Convention Center was used as the Main Media Center during the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics. On March 31, the center officially entered a new stage of post-competition construction. The venue will be transformed into a convention and exhibition complex, which will serve state affairs, government affairs and high-end business conventions and exhibitions on a regular basis. A smart control system will be built to make the venue's electromechanical system more efficient by using cutting-edge technologies such as cloud computing and the Internet of Things. The project is expected to be fully complete in 2024.
31日上午 ,曾作为北京冬奥会、冬残奥会主媒体中心的国家会议中心二期项目正式迈入赛后建设新阶段 。 在后续建设中 , 国家会议中心二期将按照会展综合体进行改造 , 建成后将常态化服务于国务、政务及高端商务会展活动 , 整体工程预计将于2024年全面完工 。 项目将筹划建设智慧场馆系统 , 通过运用云计算、物联网等前沿技术 , 让场馆机电系统更“聪明”、活动体验更智慧 。
The "Beijing Seed Regulations" came into effect on April 1. This legislation will enhance the independent innovation capability and market competitiveness of the seed industry. It will encourage innovation transformation and strengthen rights protection of new plant varieties. At the same time, the new regulations will also focus on strengthening market supervision and improving seed management systems. The "Beijing Seed Regulations" will provide an effective legal guarantee for the development and construction of Beijing's seed industry.
《北京市种子条例》于4月1日起实施 。 这项立法将提升种业自主创新能力、市场竞争能力 , 以鼓励创新成果转化、规范种质资源保护利用 , 与此同时 , 还将强化市场监管为重点 , 健全种子管理相关制度体系 , 推进北京现代种业发展和国际种业之都建设提供有效法治保障 。
