清明|【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】清明假期北京市属公园推出19项活动、北京冬奥会主媒体中心开启赛后建设......( 三 )
到2025年 北京将累计建成70万个充电桩
By 2025, Beijing will have 700,000 charging piles and 74 hydrogen refueling stations. The average service radius of public charging facilities for electric vehicles in will be less than 3 kilometers. By the end of 2021, the city had 256,000 charging piles and 10 hydrogen refueling stations.
到2025年 , 北京将拥有70万个充电桩和74个加氢站 , 平原地区电动汽车公共充电设施平均服务半径小于3公里 。 截至2021年12月底 , 本市累计建成充电桩、加氢站分别为25.6万个和10座 。
北京五年压减燃煤1000多万吨 , 助力PM2.5下降52.9%
Lai Xianyu, deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Development and Reform Commission, revealed at a press conference on Beijing's "Energy Development Plan for the 14th Five-Year Plan" period that during the "13th Five-Year Plan" period, the city's cumulative reduction of coal burning reached more than 10 million tons. The proportion of high-quality energy consumption such as natural gas and externally transferred electricity increased by 11.6 percentage points. The energy use structure has been optimized, which led to the continuous improvement of the city's air quality.
北京市发改委副主任来现余在新闻发布会上介绍 , “十三五”时期 , 全市累计压减燃煤1000多万吨 , 天然气、外调电等优质能源消费占比提升11.6个百分点 , 能源结构的优化有力支撑了全市空气环境质量持续改善 。
On April 1, the 27th Yuanmingyuan Park Outing Season officially opened, and leisure boats began operations. In April and May every year, Yuanmingyuan Park is especially beautiful. The park has released a flower viewing route, inviting the public to enjoy spring blossoms. Until mid May, the park will hold photography and drawing competitions, and the works will be displayed on the park's WeChat public account, Weibo and other platforms.
4月1日 , 圆明园第二十七届踏青节正式开幕 , 游船和交通船也将正式开航 。 每年四五月份 , 圆明园景色尤佳 , 公园正式发布赏花攻略 , 邀请广大市民踏青赏景 。 此次踏青节将持续至5月15日 。 圆明园将开展摄影月赛和写生季赛 , 广邀文艺爱好者们齐聚圆明园 , 摄影与绘画作品经评比后将在圆明园微信公众号、微博等平台进行展示 。
来源:人民网 京报网 新京报 北京日报 北京青年报 北京晚报
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【清明|【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】清明假期北京市属公园推出19项活动、北京冬奥会主媒体中心开启赛后建设......】
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