回答英语单词 回答英语

回答的英文翻译是什么 当别人提问的时候,我们会根据情况做出相应的回答 。关于回答的英文翻译是什么你知道吗?现在来学习关于回答的英语知识吧 。
回答[huí dá]
answer:答复; 解答; 答辩;适应 。
reply:回答,答复;反应;报复(行动);[法律]答辩 。
response:反应;回答,答复;[宗]回应经文,应唱圣歌 。
come in:进来;到达;当选;(赛跑等比赛中)取得(名次) 。
rejoin:重返;重新加入;再回答;与…再会合 。
中考英语知识点总结之英语单词词根(七) ... resplendent 华丽,辉煌的 respond 回答 responsible 负责任的 ...
yingyu123.net - 英语123 ... remark 议论 reply 回答 refute 反驳 ...
建设工程教育网论坛 ... retire 退休; 告退,离去 retort 回答; 报复,回报 retract 缩回,收回 ...
ANS Answer
英语沙龙俱乐部-英语沙龙English Salo... ... ANCH Anchorage 锚地 ANS Answer 回答 A.O. account of …..账上 ...
1. 回答在许多人看来,是有吸引力的.城市生活的所有优势和便利 。
In the eyes of many people, city life is attractive with all its advantages and conveniences.
2. 你必须参加这个会,因为客户要提的某些问题只有你才能回答 。
You have to attend the meeting, because only you can answer the questions that our clients would put forword.
3. 他提我不能回答的问题来使我为难 。
He embarrasses me with difficult questions which I can't answer.
4. 人们所熟悉的是悬挂在天花板上、造型奇特、随风飘荡的雕塑品 。群众的回答是一阵叫人心抖的呼噪 。
Oddly shaped forms that are suspended from the ceiling and move in response to a gust of wind are quite familiar to every- body.
5. 慈济宫回答说:如果说在诗经,'当你切断,然后文件,如你雕刻,然后波兰 。
Tzu-gong replied, If is said in the Book of Poetry, 'As you cut and then file, as you carve and then polish.
6. 我回答:'我要告诉你一件事 。
I responded, 'I need to tell you something.
7. 我是这麼回答的
And this is how I responded...
8. 童心有点不知如何回答,眼睛看著地面,金灵则从怀堭ルX了那条项鍊
Shin somehow don`t know how to reply and just looks the ground.
9. 独有的MX816/826/836蜂窝音频处理器是如MX802或从而提供一个声音回答无线电系统MX812能力路线音频到外部的声音,存储和检索设备公告设施和使用外部的DRAM 。
Unique to the MX816/826/836 cellular audio processors is the ability to route audio to an external Voice Store and Retrieve device such as the MX802 or MX812 thus providing the radio system with a voice answering and announcement facility using external DRAM.
10. 事实是对造谣者最有力的回答 。
Facts are the most powerful rebuff to rumormonger s.
11. 请问各位游仙,简短回答没收到邮件,应该是not recie 。。。
I am just testing to if you recieve my emai...
12. 而我要回答的是学习方法,这是我的主题 。
But my answer is to study the method, which also is my topic.
13. 不只他们是回答的到在我们之中的平甲板帆舰狂热的想要但是他们已经由于滚道他们的街道 Vettes 的成长调整的版本散布那一个捕拿特许 。
And not only have they been responsive to the desires of the Corvette fanatics among us but they have interspersed that marque with racing versions of their growing line-up of street Vettes.
14. 对于多数人而言,这也是一个很难回答的问题 。
For most people, it's very difficult to answer.

回答英语单词 回答英语

回答问题用英语怎么说回答问题的英文:answer the question
answer 读法 英 ['ɑ?ns?]美 ['?ns?]
vt. 回答;符合
vi. 回答;符合
n. 回答;答案;答辩
immediate answer 立即应答
answer back 应答,回复;顶嘴
know all the answers 见多识广;自命不凡;好象什么都知道的样子
soft answer 温和的回答;轻轻的回答;委婉的回答
answer key 答案;题解;练习答案(解答)
answer the needs of 满足...需要
If you do not think hard, you can not answer the question well.
如果不努力思考,你就不能很好地回答这个问题 。
1、answer用作及物动词时,可接人、物或that从句作宾语,也可接双宾语(两个宾语都是直接宾语),作“符合,满足”解时宾语主要是need, hope, purpose等抽象名词 。
