
I'm a native English speaker from the U.K. who will fix your thesis (or any written English) professionally in just a few days.
I can correct your paper using British or American localisations.
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2.论文一审,评委说英语写的不够流利,请问哪里可以找到老外来修改下呵呵,我原来也遇到过同样的问题 。
本来想在学校里找外教,可惜我的专业比较偏(多相流体力学),里面有很多专业术语和公式,学校里的外教也不太懂 。后来,我上网找的募格编辑,咨询了一下客服,说是能给开发票,也可以修改我这个学科的论文,而且是英语母语编辑,正好老师催着改文章答应给报销,就选择了深度润色服务 。
给我修改文章的是个美国人,是个跟我近似专业的(理论流体力学),比较了解我的专业和文章,帮我润色了很多地方,经过2个回合的修改,我的论文润色的非常好 。再次发给Journal of Fluid Mechanics后,直接就录了 。
总之,募格编辑的服务总体还不错吧,帮我解决了很大的难题 。
3.求批改两句英语论文中的话,急求The Island location influences the U.K. in every respect along the river of history. The U.K., , still presents lots of features not existing in other European countries today.修改:The Island location affacts the U.K. in every aspect in the long process of history.
As an island country, the UK presents(是想说展现啊还是保留啊?) lots of features which can not be found in other European countries today.
Have you ever seen people lift a three floor building or flying in the sky without any strings attach to him
Have you ever seen people lifting a three floor building or flying in the sky without any strings attaching to him
But there is a world where any imagination become true and it's the place where superman was born.
there is a world where all the ideas can be realised and it is where Superman was born
还有文章当中的连接词比较少,就是那些所以(so,therefore,thus,as a result,results in,hence,leads to之类的)、但是(but,however,on the other hand,as contrast to)、总体来说(in conclusion,to conclude,finally,ultimately)之类的
Interesting first sentence 有趣的开头句
General Statement 大致的陈述
Thesis Statement 观点
2.The body(文章主体)
Main Point(Topic Sentence) 论点+再次重申观点
Supporting Evidence 支持的论据(可以是解释也可以是例子)
Supporting Evidence 写为什么不同意对方观点
3.The conclusion
Restatement of Thesis 再次重申观点
Or 或者
Summary of Main Points 对论点做一个总结
Final Comment 最后的意见
5.帮我修改一下英语论文,主要是一些语法的错误,词用得不准确,语句Should student(s) be allowed to bring laptops to school(?)I DON'T think student(S) should bring laptop(S) to school.Computers are WILDLY used by people NOWADAYS,WHICH HAS BEEN changing our life.People use COMPUTERS to study,watch videos and play games.ComuputerS can also help students ON SO MANY THINGS.Students can search information and OBTAIN data for their study; THEY CAN ALSO INTERRACT WITH EACH OTHER OVER THE INTERNET,WHICH HELP BUILD FRIENDSHIPS AND SOCIAL CONNECTIONS.HOWEVER,WHY should NOT studentS be allowed to bring laptopS to school?PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING.I DON'T think studentS should bring laptopS to school.FIRSTLY,IT WOULD DIVERT THEIR ATTENTIONS ON STUDY.SECONDLY,这里不知道你想表什么?THIRDLY,StudentS might compare the PRICE of their computerS.I did some research on internet about how university studentS use their laptop computerS ,and it shows THAT,MOST of the studentS spend 2 hours or more to watch movies,listen to music,play games and read novels ON their computers.Although their original intension is TO study; some of them indulge themselves in playing on-line games.Over 90% students go to bed AFTER 12 AM.The college studentS do so TOO.What's more,MOST OF MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS LACK OF SELF-CONTROL.改到这里,同学,你的essay有很多语法错误,很多不通顺,如果只是修改了语法,整篇文章的结构还是很有问题.如果你追求的是一篇A+的essay,我建议你把你要表达的点列出来,我在帮你重写. 。
