germany是什么国家 german( 二 )

Skeptical of her future husband's educational background, the bride decided to test his knowledge during the ceremony.
新娘怀疑她未来丈夫的学历,于是决定在婚礼上考一考他 。
When he failed to recite the multiplication table of two, the bride left, "saying that she could not marry someone who did not know basic math," reported
当他背不出乘法口诀时,新娘转身离开了 。据菲律宾每日问讯者报网站报道,"新娘说她不能嫁给一个连数学基础知识都不懂的男人 。"
The bride's sister stated that the groom's family did not inform them of his lack of education, adding that the bride was "brave" for walking out.
新娘的表妹称,男方家庭没有告知新郎教育程度低的事实,并补充道,新娘离开婚礼现场的做法"很勇敢" 。
"He may not have even gone to school. The groom's family had cheated us," she said to Tribune India. "But my brave sister walked out without fearing social taboo."
她告诉《印度论坛报》说:"他可能都没上过学 。新郎的家人骗了我们 。但是勇敢的姐姐不惧怕社会禁忌,就这样走出了礼堂 。"
The two families came to a compromise, which included returning all gifts and jewelry.
两家人已经达成了和解,双方同意退还所有的礼物和珠宝 。

germany是什么国家 german

A bee climbs on a rape flower in a field in Nandan, Hechi, Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region. [Photo/Hechi Daily]
>Bees can smell coronavirus
Scientists in the Netherlands have trained bees to identify COVID-19 through their sense of smell, according to a press release from Wageningen University.
瓦赫宁根大学发布新闻稿称,荷兰科学家已成功训练蜜蜂通过嗅觉识别新冠病毒 。
The research was conducted on more than 150 bees at the school’s bio-veterinary research laboratory.
科学家在瓦赫宁根大学的生物兽医研究实验室对150多只蜜蜂展开了研究 。
Eventually, the bees could identify an infected sample within a few seconds — and would then stick out their tongues like clockwork to collect the sugar water.
最终,这些蜜蜂可以在几秒钟内识别出感染新冠病毒的样本,而且它们的舌头会像发条一样伸出来喝糖水 。
Bees aren't the first animals to detect COVID-19 by scent.
蜜蜂不是第一种通过气味识别新冠病毒的动物 。
Researchers have also trained dogs to distinguish between positive and negative COVID-19 samples from human saliva or sweat with fairly high levels of accuracy.
研究人员也曾训练狗来分辨人类唾液和汗液样本中是否有新冠病毒,准确率相当高 。
A small German study found that dogs could identify positive COVID-19 samples 94% of the time.
德国的一项小型研究发现,狗识别出新冠病毒阳性样本的准确率为94% 。
That's because metabolic changes from the coronavirus make an infected person's bodily fluids smell slightly different than those of a non-infected person.
这是因为新冠病毒带来的新陈代谢变化会让感染者的体液气味与非感染者略有不同 。
But researchers still aren't sure whether animals are the best bet for sniffing out COVID-19 cases outside the lab.
不过研究人员还不确定在实验室之外动物能否准确无误地嗅出新冠肺炎病例 。
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