
前言:书藏古今 , 港通天下 , 宁波的经济发展自古以来便与港口密切相关 , 现如今宁波-舟山港完成的货物吞吐量已是全球第一 。 而早在一千多年前的唐代 , 就有满载丝绸、茶叶、瓷器的船只从宁波三江口出发 , 驶往世界各地 , 开启闻名于世的“海上丝绸之路” 。 明州先民在开辟海上丝绸之路历史过程中 , 创造了灿烂的物质文化 , 为宁波丰富的旅游资源奠定了根基 。
Rich in culture and as an important trading port, Ningbo is a city whose economic development has been closely related to the port.Today, Ningbo-Zhoushan Port has the largest cargo throughput in the world. A thousand years ago, ships loaded with silk, tea, and porcelain set off from Ningbo, and sailed all over the world, opening up the "Maritime Silk Road". The ancestors of Ningbo created splendid material culture during the process of opening up the Maritime Silk Road, laying the foundation for rich tourism resources of Ningbo.
一同走进宁波 , 了解吃喝玩乐最全资讯吧!
Let us walk into Ningbo and acquire the most complete information about having fun!
Food Street
Nantang old street
位于宁波古城南门外 , 位列宁波八大历史街区之一 。 引入宁波传统餐饮品牌和一批极富地方特色的美食小吃 , 如宁海五丰堂、余姚黄鱼面、慈城四季香年糕等 。 开放时间9:00-21:00 。
Located outside the south gate of the ancient city, it is one of the eight historical districts in Ningbo. There are many traditional Ningbo catering brands and a number of gourmet snacks with local characteristics, such as Ninghai Wufengtang, Yuyao Fish Noodles, Cicheng Rice Cakes, etc. Opening hours 9:00-21:00.

Chenghuang Temple Food Street
宁波小吃一条街 , 地方特色饮食摊店的集中地 , 招牌美食推荐:南翔小笼包、多肉馄饨、油炸鹌鹑 。 开放时间9:00-21:00 。
It is a Ningbo Snack Street, which is a gathering place for local specialty food stalls. Recommended signature dishes: Nanxiang Xiaolongbao, Succulent Wontons, and Deep-Fried Quail. Opening hours 9:00-21:00.

Gulou Food Street
集美食、文化、休闲、旅游为一体的历史文化街 , 共由八幢楼组成 , 整体为明清建筑风格 。 开放时间9:00-21:00 。
It is a historical and cultural street that integrates food, culture, leisure, and tourism. It consists of eight buildings with architectural style of Ming and Qing Dynasties. Opening hours 9:00-21:00.
