醍醐灌顶是什么意思 醍醐灌顶是什么意思( 三 )

《红楼梦》第65回 , 小厮兴儿对王熙凤的评价:“嘴甜心苦 , 两面三刀” , “上头笑着 , 脚底下就使绊子” , “明是一盆火 , 暗是一把刀”:她都占全了 。一句话里用了几个意思相近的成语来描述王熙凤 , 可见王熙凤是个多么厉害的角色 。后来 , “王熙凤”这三个字 , 差不多就成了表里不一、心狠手辣的代名词 。

醍醐灌顶是什么意思 醍醐灌顶是什么意思

She'll give you sweet talk when there's hatred in her heart, she's so double-faced and tricky. All the time she's smiling she tries to trip you up, making a show of great warmth while she stabs you in the back. That's the way she is.
She's "soft of tongue and hard of heart," "two faces and three knives," she'll "give you a smile and trip you up the while", she's "a welcoming fire when you see her, but a stab in the back when it's dark" -- all those things and more...
霍克斯和杨宪益先生的译文十分接近 , 连所用的词汇都差不多 。所不同的是杨先生将三个成语分拆成三个句子 , 而霍克斯则保留了三个成语的独立形态 , 用一个句子贯穿起来 。汉语中“两面三刀”的字面意思有些模糊 , “两面”好理解 , “三刀”究竟是什么意思?杨先生将其译为she's so double-faced and tricky , 外国读者是很容易理解的;霍克斯教授将其直译为two faces and three knives , 外国读者根据上下文也能明白 , 不过 , 他们也许会有疑惑 , Why three knives? Why not four or five?
成语是语言的精粹 , 也是文化的活化石 , 杨宪益、戴乃迭、霍克斯、闵福德四位翻译家 , 将3000多个汉语成语巧妙转换 , 与英文无缝对接 , 其中很多译文堪称经典 , 值得我们反复体味和钻研 。
