【meet的音标 meet】说到浪漫的英文电影
There is nothing I couldn’t give you, there is nothing I would deny you, if you would not deny me. Open you’re heart to me.
如果你不违背我 , 你要什么我就能给你什么 , 你要什么都可以 。把你的心交给我吧 。
One may fall in love with many people during the lifetime. When you finally get your own happiness,you will understand the previous sadness is a kind of treasure, which makes you better to hold and cherish the people you love.
一个人一生可以爱上很多的人 , 等你获得真正属于你的幸福之后 , 你就会明白以前的伤痛其实是一种财富 , 它让你学会更好地去把握和珍惜你爱的人 。
I used to worry a lot about who I ll be when I grow up. Like how much money I d make, or someday I become some big deal.
我以前总是担心自己长大后会怎么样 , 赚多少钱 , 会不会有一天出人头地 。
Sometimes the things you want the most doesn t happen, and sometimes the thing you never expect happen does. Like giving up my job in Chicago and everything, and deciding to stay and apply for med school.
有时候你最盼星星盼月亮的事儿就是不会发生 , 可意想不到的那些却自然而然地来了 。比方放弃在芝加哥的工作 , 放弃一切 , 决定留下来攻读医科学校 。
I don't know - you meet thousands of people and none of them really touch you. And then you meet that one person and your life is changed. Forever.
我说不清楚为什么 , 你遇见过千百个人 , 而他们只不过是匆匆过客 。接着你就邂逅了那么一个人 , 改变了你的生命直到永远 。
Is life always this hard,or is it just when you are a kid?
Always like this.
总是如此 。
The deepest love I think, later than apart, I will live as you like.
我所认为最深沉的爱,莫过于分开以后,我将自己活成了你的样子 。
It's lucky to gain and fated to miss.
得之 , 我幸;不得 , 我命 。
I hope you make the best of it. I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you re proud of. If you find that you are not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again.
我希望你有时能驻足于这个令你感到惊叹的世界 , 体会你从未有过的感觉 。我希望你能见到其他与你观点不同的人们 。我希望你能有一个值得自豪的人生 。如果你想象的生活不一样 , 我希望你能有勇气重新启程 。
I want to say, may you never steal, lie or cheat.
我想说 , 希望你永远不偷、不说谎、不欺骗 。
But if you must steal, then steal away my sorrows.
And if you must lie, lie with me all the nights of my life.
And if you must cheat, then please cheat death, because I couldn t live a day without you.
但是如果你一定要偷窃 , 请偷走我的伤悲 。如果你一定要撒谎 , 请在我的此生里每晚都与我同眠 。如果你一定要欺骗 , 请欺骗死亡 , 因为我不能一天没有你 。
I finally know, every minute of my every second is a person .
我终于知道了 , 我的每一分每一秒都是一个人 。
Nothing can't be figured out. The past just can't be reached again.
没有什么过不去 , 只有回不去 。
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