consider是什么意思 consider

consider是什么意思 consider


Think 释义:认为;以为;想;思考;思索;思想;琢磨;想;想法
音标:英 [θ??k] 美 [θ??k]

Consider 释义:仔细考虑,细想;认为;以为;觉得;体谅;考虑到;
音标:英 [k?n?s?d?(r)] 美 [k?n?s?d?r]

Hold 释义:拿着;抓住;抱住;托住;捂住,按住;认为
音标:英 [h??ld] 美 [ho?ld]

Deem 释义:认为;视为;相信
音标:英 [di?m] 美 [di?m]

consider是什么意思 consider

1、What in the world did they think they were doing?

2、I think we should go back to first principles.
我认为我们应该回到基本原则上 。

3、I don't think you realize how important this is to her.
我认为你没有意识到这对她是多么重要 。

4、I think you should go back to your original plan.
我认为你应该回头执行你原来的计划 。

5、I think it's time we tried a fresh approach.
我认为是尝试新方法的时候了 。

6、I hope you don't think I'm being too forward.
我希望你不要认为我太冒失 。

7、People tend to think that the problem will never affect them.
人们往往认为这个问题绝不会影响到他们 。

8、People used to think the earth was flat.
人们曾经认为地球是平的 。

9、We think we've identified a gap in the market.
我们认为已经发现了市场上一个尚待填补的空白 。

10、I think we have a moral responsibility to help these countries.
我认为我们在道义上有责任帮助这些国家 。

11、I think the problem can be got over without too much difficulty.
我认为这个问题不太难解决 。

12、Many people think that party politics should not enter into local government.
许多人都认为,地方政府内不应拉帮结派 。

13、The group was considered to be a risk to national security.
这伙人被认为是威胁国家安全的危险分子 。

14、We consider this agreement to be an important step forward.
我们认为,这项协定是向前迈出了重要的一步 。

15、She considers that it is too early to form a definite conclusion.
她认为现在下确切的结论还为时过早 。

16、Many people consider politics irrelevant to their lives.
许多人认为政治与他们的生活不相干 。

17、The younger teachers were considered fair game by most of the kids.
多数小孩认为年轻教师是可作弄的对象 。

18、He was considered too lightweight for the job.
人们认为他资历太浅,不适合做这工作 。

19、They consider the plan to be of dubious benefit to most families.
他们认为这项计划对大多数家庭不一定有好处 。

20、Henry Moore is considered to be the father of modern British sculpture.
亨利?穆尔被认为是现代英国雕塑之父 。

21、They would take any action deemed necessary.
他们会采取认为必要的任何行动 。

22、The evening was deemed a great success.
大家认为这次晚会非常成功 。

23、She deemed it prudent not to say anything.
她认为什么都不说是明智的 。

24、He says he would support the use of force if the UN deemed it necessary
他说如果联合国认为有必要使用武力,他将予以支持 。

25、French and German were deemed essential.
法语和德语被认为是必不可少的 。

26、Candidates deemed vote-worthy will be rewarded with campaign funds.
被认为有望获胜的候选人将会获得竞选资金 。

27、The delegation deems it necessary to state its position.
代表团认为有必要说明自己的立场 。

28、We deem it necessavy to make this clear to you.
这件事我们认为有必要跟你们说清楚 。

29、I deem that it is time to act.
我认为是行动的时候了 。

30、A few observations were deemed impossible.
一些观察结果被认为是不可能的 。

31、Where deemed necessary, the Customs may examine such goods.
海关认为必要时,可以查验过境、转运和通运货物 。

32、I did hope that my work would be deemed worthy, as before.
