wishes歌曲 wishes

【wishes歌曲 wishes】I wish I could tell you this story ends soon.
我希望我能告诉你这个故事很快就结束了 。

I've often said that I wish people could realize all their dreams and wealth and fame.

I wish that you know I could go back.
我希望你知道我可以回去 。

You wish that she would stop crying.
你希望她停止哭泣 。

I wish I could talk to my husband like I talk to my friend.
我希望我能像和朋友说话一样和丈夫说话 。
I wish I could told him how i feel.
我希望我能告诉他我的感受 。
Ann wishes her mother would support her.
安希望她的母亲会支持她 。

Kim wishes she could go to tomorrow land in 2023.
金希望她能在 2023 年前去明日世界电音节 。
I really wish my children’s picture weren't on the site.
我真的希望我孩子的照片不在网站上 。
I wish you had the courage to do what you want to do.
我希望你有勇气做你想做的事 。
I wish it weren't on the book.
我真的希望它不在书上 。
I wish I never did really white under my eyes.
我希望我不打白色的眼影 。
I wish I were a man.
我希望我是一个男人 。
I wish I had 3 children.
我希望我有3个孩子 。
I wish I were a billionare.
我希望我是亿万富翁 。
I wish I lived near the lake.
我希望我住在湖边 。
I wish I had a bigger house.
我希望我有一个更大的房子 。
He wishes he didn’t marry her.
他希望他没娶她 。
Lisa wishes her mom told her how to protect herself.
丽莎希望她妈妈告诉她如何保护自己 。
Sammy wishes his friend invited him to the classmate’s party.
萨米希望他的朋友邀请他参加同学聚会 。
I wish I had more time to read books about self-improvement.
I wish i knew.
我希望我知道 。
I wish i had 48 hours per day so i could finish my job.
我希望我每天有 48 小时候,这样我就可以完成我的工作

I wish there were enough food for everyone on this planet.

I wish we spent more time together.
我希望我们有更多的时间在一起 。

He wishes he had a new racing car.
他希望他有一辆新赛车 。

(三)主语+wish(that)+从句主语+would/could had+过去分词

I wish we would have bought that car yesterday.
我希望我们昨天就买那辆车 。

I wish I could have had the courage to live a life true to myself,not the life others expected of me.

Timothy really wishes he would have gone to Europe when he was young.
蒂莫西真希望他年轻的时候去过欧洲 。

He wishes he would have worked harder when he was young so he could afford the house.
他希望以前年轻的时能努力地工作,这样他现在就可以才能买得起房子 。
I just wish this would have never happened.
我只是希望这事以前永远没发生过 。

Wish for
My wish for you is that you should follow your passion.
我对你的愿望是你应该追随你的热情 。


Wish to do
Sandra wishes to become a writer.
桑德拉希望成为一名作家 。

Wish sb do sth
My mom wish me get a degree.
我妈妈希望我拿到学位 。

Wish sb sth
I wish you luck on your journey
