语文作文高端词句 要一些语文作文的高级词汇,也可以一些用的很精妙的动词( 二 )

, one should be mentioned 。5) One may think of the trend as a result of 。
6) The change in 。largely results from the fact that 。
7) There are several causes for this significant growth in 。First 。
8) A number of factors could account for the . 9) It is no simple task to give the reason for。10) The cause of /reason for higher prices was an increase in demand.11) Because/As/Now that/Since the demand has increased, the prices are higher.12) An increase in demand causes/results in/leads to/produces higher prices.13) The demand has increased. 14) Therefore,/As a result,/For this reason,/Because of this,/Consequently, the prices are higher.15) If there is an increase in demand, then prices rise./go up. /boost./are higher.16) Different people look at 。
in different ways 。●表示不同看法的句型:1) Different people have/hold different opinions/views on the question/problem/matter. Some believe that。
; Others argue that。:Still others maintain that。
2) They are quite different from each other in their opinions.3) Some people hold the opinion that it is good to .4) They think quite differently on this question.5) Opinions vary from individual to individual, from culture to culture.●表示必须,紧急,有困难做某事的句型:1) It is important (necessary, urgent, difficult, easy, convenient, comfortable, expensive, desirable, advisable) for sb. to do sth.2)。have trouble/difficulty/a hard time/a difficult time (in) doing sth. (有困难做某事)●用于文章开头的句型:1) Faced with 。
; quite a few people argue that 。; But other people conceive differently.2) There is a general discussion today about the issue of.; Those who object to 。
argue that。;They believe that 。
; But people who favor。, on the other hand, argue that。
3) Currently there is a widespread concern that 。4) Now people in growing number are coming to realize that 。
5) Now it is commonly held that。; they think。
; But I doubt whether 。6) Recently the issue of 。
has been brought to public attention.7) One of the great men once said that 。Now more and more people share this belief.8) Until recently,。
has been regarded as. But people are taking a fresh look at it.9) Sb. argues/maintains /holds/insists/believes that 。10) More and more people are realizing /have come to realize 。
3.说几个高考语文议论文作文中可能用到的高端词汇跟你说实话,这些东西比较偏,基本用不到,也不会是主流,建议你复习好基础内容,比较有帮助 。
高中语文作文十大技巧【技巧一】:作文成绩看字迹,得分要素是第一任何形式的作文考试,阅卷老师打分时,第一眼,看的是字迹 。因此,写作文必须要把字写好 。
记住,考作文考的是内容,而不是书法,切忌字迹潦草 。【技巧二】:考试作文五六段,干净整洁看卷面考试作文中,要注意及时分段,三四个段落显得少了,八九个段落,显得琐碎了些 。
除非有特殊情况,段落以五六个段落为好 。此外,卷面一定要整洁,不要涂改得乱七八糟 。
我的看法是,考试作文每段最好别超过5行,顶多是5行半 。切忌一段都八九行,写成“大肚子作文” 。
一旦给阅卷老师视觉上的疲劳,影响他的心理,分数就受影响 。如果有必要,死拉硬拽也要注意分段 。
【技巧三】:色彩对比也关键,建议用笔选择蓝考试作文的卷子上,都是用黑颜色印刷的方格 。如果你用非常粗而且黑的钢笔答题,墨水容易“泄一滩”,影响卷面的干净 。
建议学生用不浅不深、笔画不粗不细的蓝色中性笔写作文 。这样的作文写出来,与黑色的方格形成一定的视觉对比,阅卷老师在视觉上有眼前一亮的感觉,分数上可能就会占便宜 。
在用蓝色中性笔写作文的时候,注意不要用字把方格填满,建议占字格下面或者左下面的四分之三,这样,显得作文每行的层次感比较强 。卷面显得也相对美观 。
【技巧四】:开头结尾要简练,最好首尾两行半除了切忌大肚子作文外,“大头作文”也要不得 。建议考生在写作文的时候,开头结尾占两行半的卷面 。
顶多也不能超过三行半 。想想看,一个开头就占太多的空间,阅卷老师的视觉又会有瞬间的疲劳,也会影响阅卷老师的情绪 。
【技巧五】:动笔之前要拟题,漂亮标题如美女考试作文中,一般都是由考生自己来拟定题目,题目不宜太长和太短 。怎么拟题呢?对于成绩一般的考生,应该采取特别措施了 。
拟题的办法有2个,一是你去百度上搜索一下作文拟题目,可以找到作文老师讲述的类似技巧 。二是考生家长或考生,赶紧去翻阅最近一年的读者和青年文摘的合订本,根据题材,选择几十个比较精彩的标题,背下来,考试的时候可能比葫芦画瓢地就能采用到 。
