突然被cue是什么意思 cue是什么意思

突然被cue是什么意思 cue是什么意思


1.as well as可视为介词 , 它的涵义是“还有”、“不但…而且…”.值得注意的是,在A as well as B的结构里,语意的重点在 A,不在 B.因此,:
He can speak Spanish as well as English.
“他不但会说英语,而且会讲西班牙语 。”
“他不但会说西班牙语,而且会讲英语 。”.
如果这样翻译,就是本末倒置了.as well as和 not only… but also…同义,但前者的语意重点和后者的语意重点恰好颠倒 。A as well as B=not only B but also A , 
She is brave as well as clever.她不但聪明 , 而且勇敢 。
In approaching a problem we should see the whole as well as the parts.
我们看问题 , 不但要看到部分 , 而且要看到全体 。
She is clever as well as beautiful. 她不但漂亮 , 而且聪明 。
Actors have to learn their cues as well as their own lines. 演员不仅要记住台词 , 还要记住其他演员的暗示 。
cue [kju?] n.暗示;提示;信号;(戏剧的)提示 , 尾白;(台球等的)球杆 , 弹子棒
She can play tennis as well as basketball.
她也会打篮球 , 也会打网球 。
【突然被cue是什么意思 cue是什么意思】He grows flowers as well as vegetables. 他既种菜也种花 。
注:有时还可译为“除……之外 , 还” , 与besides, in addition to的用法相似 。如:
As well as learning to swim he has been taking Spanish lessons this summer. 今年夏天 , 他除了学习游泳外 , 他还在上西班牙语课 。
如果 as well as用作连词引出比较从句,其义为“和…一样好”.因此,“He speaks Spanish as well as English.”应译作:“他说西班牙语像说英语一样好”.语意的重点依旧在前部,不在后半部.
请注意 as well as以下的用法:
She called on you as well as I.
不但我来看你,她也拜访了你 。
She called on you as well as me.
她不但拜访了我,也拜访了你 。
突然被cue是什么意思 cue是什么意思


2. 当 as well as 连接两个成分作主语时, 其后的谓语通常要与前面一个主语保持一致 。如:
Jane as well as her friends is late.和她的朋友们一样 , 简也迟到了 。
Tom as well as his parents is going to London. 汤姆和他的父母要去伦敦 。
The captain, as well as the other players, was tired. 队长和其他队员都累了 。
She as well as you is an English teacher.
她像你一样也是英文教师 。.
The old people as well as the children like this film.
老人同儿童一样喜欢这部电影 。
突然被cue是什么意思 cue是什么意思


3. as well as既然可视为介词 , 其后一般接动词的动名词;但是 , 若前面有带to的动词不定式 , 其后的动词为动词原形:

Wearing the right shoes and clothes as well as being fit can make all the difference
穿着合适的鞋子和衣服 , 再加上健康的体魄 , 情况会大不相同 。
He's modest, as well as being a great player
他是一名谦虚而伟大的运动员 。
He hurt his arm ,as well as breaking his leg.他不但摔断了一条腿 , 而且还伤了一条胳膊 。
He dances as well as playing the guitar.他不但会弹吉他 , 而且还会跳舞 。
I have to clean the floors as well as cook the food.
我不但要煮食物 , 而且还要拖地 。
He expects me to close the deal as well as make friends with clients.
他不但指望我和客户做朋友 , 而且指望我做成这笔生意 。
close the deal 成交
client [?kla??nt]名词 , 委托人;当事人;(连接在服务器上的)客户机
但是 , 有时即使 as well as 前面一个成分为单数 , 其后的谓语也可能用复数 , 
尤其是当as well as 后面一个成分比较长且该结构没有用逗号隔开时 。如:
His appearance as well as his strange way of talking make me suspicious. 他的外表以及他那奇怪的谈吐引起我的怀疑 。

突然被cue是什么意思 cue是什么意思


4.as well是副词短语,其义为“也”,相当于too,它一般放在句末,有时和连词and或but搭配使用.例:
