四年级上册一一下册的英语词句 四年级上册四年级下册的英语单词及句子加汉语

Unit 1
Window(窗户) board(板) light(灯) picture(图片) door(门) floor(地板) classroom (教室) computer(电脑) teacher'desk(讲台) wall(墙) fan(扇子) Unit 2
bag(包) pencil(铅笔) pen(钢笔) book (书) ruler(尺子) pencil-case(铅笔盒) Unit 3
teacher(教师) student(学生) boy(男孩) girl(女孩) friend(朋友) Unit 4
home(家) room(房间) school(学校) classroom(教室) window(窗户) door(门) desk(课桌;书桌) chair(椅子) bed(床) Unit 5
rice(米饭) beef(牛肉) bread(面包) milk(牛奶) egg(蛋) water(水) chicken(鸡肉) fish(鱼) Unit 6
sister(姐妹) brother(兄弟) father(父亲;爸爸) mother(母亲;妈妈) driver(司机) doctor(医生) farmer(农民) nurse(护士
2.小学四年级英语下册句子1、现在几点钟? What time is it ?
2、现在九点钟 。It's 9 o'clock.
3、该是上学的时候了 。It's time to go to school.
4、该是上英语课的时候了 。It's time for English class.
5、这是我们的教室 。This is our classroom.
6、那是教师办公室 , 中小学英语《小学四年级英语句子:重点必会句型》() 。That is the teacher's desk.
7、这是一台电脑吗?是的 , 它是 。Is this a computer ? Yes, it is.
8、那是一匹马吗? 不 , 它不是 。Is that a horse ? No, it isn't.
9、它是什么颜色? 它是绿色 。What colour is it ? It's green.
10、他们是什么颜色?它们是黑白色 。What colour are they ? They are black and white.
11、它是多少钱? 它是八元 。How much is it ? It's 8 yuan.
12、它们是多少钱? 它们是三十三元 。How much are they ? They are 10 yuan.
13、这是什么? 它是一只洋葱 。What's this ? It's an onion.
14、那些是什么? 它们是猪 。What are those ? They are pigs.
15、有多少只绵羊? 十五只 。How many sheep are there ? There are 15.
16、它是一只鸭子吗? 是的 , 它是 。Is it a duck ? Yes, it is.
17、它们是黄瓜吗? 不是 , 它们不是 。Are they cucumbers ? No, they aren't.
18、今天天气晴朗 。It's sunny today.
19、今天寒冷吗? 是的 , 它是 。Is it cold today ? Yes, it is.
3.四年级下册英语句子表1. 询问年龄:how old are you? i am…(years old).how old is…? he /she is … (years old).2. 描写外貌的:he / she looks young/ beautiful/ handsome/slim…3. 祝贺生日语与答语:happy birthday! thank you!/ thanks!4. 询问数量:how many +名词的复数 are there?there is one. / there are two / three…5. “某人擅长于什么”的句子:somebody (某人)be good at (doing) something(某事) 例子:i'm good at playing table tennis.you're good at maths.tom is good at swimming.6. 激励、表扬的:that's great!our chinese team is great.well done! our team is the winner.7. 表达“某人喜欢什么”的句子结构:somebody like sth / doing something e.g: i like playing chess. you like apples. they like swimming. he / she likes watching the news on tv. he / she likes animal toys.8. 表达自己的想法:i am sure… i think…9. 询问别人的想法:what's your idea?what / how about you?what's wrong?do you…?10. 询问别人是否喜欢吃某些食物的句子 do you like…?婉转的询问:would you like / have some…?回答方式:应允:yes, please. / ok./ yes, i do. / thank you. / thanks.拒绝:no, thanks / thank you. / sorry, i don't like…11. 询问别人想吃什么或者想喝什么:what do you like to eat / drink?what do you want for startwes?回答:i like… no, thank you / thanks. nothing for me, thanks..12. 询问价钱的句子:how much is the…? it's …yuan / dollar(s) / pound(s) / cent(s).how much are the…? they're…yuan / dollar(s) / pound(s) / cent(s). how much does the…cost? it cost…yuan / dollar(s) / pound(s) / cent(s).how much do …cost? they cost…yuan / dollar(s) / pound(s) / cent(s).13. 顾客表达满意的句子:they look good. / it looks fresh,they're really fresh. / it's really fresh.不满意的:they're / it's too small / big.they look / it looks bad / not so good.14. 售货员的销售用语::can i help you? / what can i do for you?do you want some …? / do you want anything else?anything else?here's your change.who's next, please?15. 顾客的购物用语:i want … i'd like… they look / it looks… how much is it / are they / is the… / are the…?how much do / does…cost?here's the money.no, that's it.16. 付款和找回零钱的表达:a: here's the money.b: here's your change. 。
4.人教版四年级(上册)单词 Unit 1 window 窗户 have 有 board 写字板 new 新的 light 灯 , 灯管 go 去 picture 画 , 图画 where 在 。
