八年级上册unit6单元检测题 八年级英语上册unit3检测题

1.八年级上英语unit3重点句子楼上的太不敬业了~~~~~还是我来~~~~ 1. How often do you exercise? I exercise twice a week.  2. How often does he go shopping? He goes shopping once a month.  3. What do you usually do on weekends? I often go to the movies.  4. What does she usually do on weekends? She sometimes go hiking.  5. I try to eat a lot of vegetables; I think it\'s good for my health.  6. What\'s the matter? I have a cold. I\' sorry to hear that.  7. I\'m not feeling well; I hope you feel better soon.  8. She has a toothache, she should see a dentist.  9. It\'s important to eat a balanced diet.  10. Everyone gets tired sometimes.  11. What are you doing for vacation? I\'m babysitting my sister.  12. When are you going? I\'m going on the 12th.  13. I\'m going to Tibet for a week. ------ Have a good time.  14. How long are you staying? For about three weeks.  14. Who are you going with? I\'m going with my friends.  15. How\'s the weathe 。
楼上的太不敬业了~~~~~还是我来~~~~ 1. How often do you exercise? I exercise twice a week.  2. How often does he go shopping? He goes shopping once a month.  3. What do you usually do on weekends? I often go to the movies.  4. What does she usually do on weekends? She sometimes go hiking.  5. I try to eat a lot of vegetables; I think it\'s good for my health.  6. What\'s the matter? I have a cold. I\' sorry to hear that.  7. I\'m not feeling well; I hope you feel better soon.  8. She has a toothache, she should see a dentist.  9. It\'s important to eat a balanced diet.  10. Everyone gets tired sometimes.  11. What are you doing for vacation? I\'m babysitting my sister.  12. When are you going? I\'m going on the 12th.  13. I\'m going to Tibet for a week. ------ Have a good time.  14. How long are you staying? For about three weeks.  14. Who are you going with? I\'m going with my friends.  15. How\'s the weather? = what\'s the weather like? It\'s sunny today. 。
2.求八年级语文上册第三单元检测的答案, 作文是笑脸 , 我心中的一座桥
雨 , 淅淅沥沥地下着 , 行人行色匆匆 , 五颜六色的雨伞布满了大街 。来源:作文网我靠在窗口 , 心里也下起了雨 , 也许正如有人所说:“ 孤单是爱的阴天 , 冷漠让它生根发芽 。”
我很小的时候 , 爸爸妈妈就丢下我 , 外出打工去了 , 从此 , 我和爸妈感情的桥梁便断了 。我只好和爷爷奶奶相依为命 , 尽管爷爷奶奶对我各个方面都关怀备至 , 可我十分苦恼 , 在许多同龄人的眼中 , 我就像一个没有爹妈的孩子 , 在学校里读书 , 放学的时候大家都有父母接送 , 而我只能挽着年迈的爷爷慢慢的走回家 , 爷爷的身体不是很好 , 时常为接我回家累得精疲力尽 , 我看着 , 心里真有点痛 。同时 , 我也有一点悲愤 , 为什么父母要撇下我?为什么要让爷爷受罪?我真的很需要父母的爱 , 我希望在我失望时 , 他们能给我安慰 , 我同时也渴望在我童年的路上 , 有父母的陪伴 , 有他们的鼓励 , 我不会嫌他们的唠叨 , 有父母在身边唠叨 , 那也是一种幸福 。
下雨天 , 我会打开窗户 , 等待阳光的出现 , 等待彩虹桥的出现 , 哪怕只是虚幻的 , 至少上天还给我想象的权利 , 这是唯一维系我和父母之间的桥梁 , 但它总会消失 。因此 , 我也学会了自我安慰 , 学会等待 , 即使等待也是一种憧憬 , 但它也会是一道美丽的风景线 , 父母不在身边 , 我更多的是与被窝交朋友 , 我总是躲在被窝中哭泣 。因为我不想让爷爷奶奶担心 , 有时想到爸爸妈妈 , 心如刀绞 , 总是控制不住自己的眼泪 , 可谁又知 , 这眼泪是热的 , 是包含感情的 , 夜晚 , 一切都安静下来 , 我又一种莫名的伤感 , 我知道父母在外面日夜操劳 , 很辛苦 , 但是我也需要他们的唠叨 , 他们的呵护啊!我很矛盾 , 真不知道该怎么办啊!我渐渐的绝望起来 , 但是为什么每每在我绝望的时候 , 一个电话又给我带来希望呢?为什么这座桥快要塌陷的时候 , 它有偏偏不塌呢?孤独的时候我真的需要快乐 , 需要一个气氛热烈的家庭 。
