英文情侣游戏名字( 六 )

Spearmint dye heart | not language v. deep feeling
唯心っ 只爱你 | 唯爱っ只有你
Idealism っ only love you | っ only love only you
南风喃 | 北风寒
The south wind | nan north wind cold
九命猫 | 七秒鱼
Nine lives a cat fish | seven seconds
曾经发了疯的想 | 如今拼了命的逃
Once mad spelled a life want to | now flee
再冷不过人心 | 再冷不过人心
Cold but the heart | to cold but the heart again
离人怎挽. | 碍人怎离.
How writes how wan. | hinder people away.
Arro_颜の熙 | Angel_思の琴
Arro_ yan の city | Angel_ の harp
久伴我? | 别离开?
For a long time with me? | don"t leave?
乐式╮开始 | 悲伤式╮落幕
Start a type ╮ | sadness ╮ end
In this life only hurts you | only spoil you in my life
说谎的都是骗子 | 相信的都是傻子
Liar is liar | believe is a fool
情生 。| 心瘾 。
Gratitude. | heart addiction.
奏ゝ夜曲 | 听ゝ夜风
Play ゝ nocturnes | listen ゝ night wind
陪你一起疯 |陪我一起笑
Mad with you | accompany me smile together
╰我 你 辈 。|╰爱 一 子 。
╰ I you. | ╰ love a son.
北京巷弄 | 南街酒楼
Beijing alleyway | south street restaurant
英雄.末路 | 美人.迟暮
Hero. End | beauty. Dying
ら゛如花美眷 | ら゛似水流年
ら ゛ river | ら ゛ prints
墨 深 ° | 微 恙 °
The ink deep ° | malaise °
情与月缠绵 | 爱同花婵娟
On sentiment and lingering | love with flowers chan
谁伴孤城他暖 | 谁念画楼她颜
Who give he warm | who read her facial painting floor
芙蓉女儿诔 | 沙华男儿诀
The daughter of the lotus Lei | ShaHua boys travelling
In the summer of warm sea * * | winter cold heart
相爱本是陪伴 | 宠爱何需多言
Fall in love, this is company | love what need many words
心劫 ? | 梦徒 ?
Heart time? | dream ACTS?
孤独成性 | 寂寞成惯
Lonely initiative | lonely to spoil
与我安i | 与我暖i
Ann I | and I warm with me
破墨踏雪行 | 滴墨恋梅情
Through the snow PoMo line | drip love mei
| hand in hand to hand in hand
风华不过一指流砂 | 苍老也是一段年华
Elegance but a refers to flow sand | old is a period of time
一缕清风 | 一杯烈酒
A wisp of cool breeze | a glass of liquor
他是光芒?? | 她是信仰??
He is the light? | she is faith??
江山枕 | 英雄路
Jiangshan pillow | hero
万千归途 | 你是终点
Myriad way home | you are finish
本王就要你i | 臣妾就属你i
The king will you | I male and female servants will I belong to you
你会腻 | 我何必
You will be bored with | why should I
↘两个人の初冬 | ↘一个人の夏末
↘ both の winter | ↘ の one late summer
君如陌上尘゜ | 妾似河边絮゜
Jun such as dust on the safety ゜ flocculant | concubine like the river ゜
红颜为君泪 | 君为红颜醉
Beauty for your tears | jun for drunken beauty
俊容笑风情 | 红颜若流年
Jung let amorous feelings | beauty if we smile
我姓赵 | 我心燥
My name is zhao | my heart is dry
相顾无言 | 唯余一笑
Care for words | Yu Yixiao
ゝ只对你微笑 | ゝ只把你拥抱
ゝ only smile at you | ゝ only your hug
Such as month, | writes to tears,
柠檬心凉不心萌 | 西瓜心酸不心甜
Lemon heart cold heart sprout | watermelon sad not sweet heart
玲珑骰子 | 琉璃梳子
Linglong dice | coloured glaze comb
淡月若亦情 | 冷月葬花魂
Were if DanYue also love | of the soul
我要摩登女郎 | 我要蘑菇小象
I"m going to modern girl | I"ll have the mushroom little elephant
追月听风语 | 舞剑弄梅折
On listening to the wind language | sword may fold
云起兮衣飞扬 | 雪落兮裳翩舞
Cloud up flying xi clothing | snow fall type to the dance
上半场谈情 | 下半场说爱
Talk about love in the first half | say love in the second half
想念式凄楚凉 | 悲恋式暗楚香
Miss type nine cold | dark ChuXiang sad love
艳若婷 | 清如波
And d. | like wave
子佩 | 子衿
Child peja | short
一指流沙 | 一汐风涟
A refers to the quicksand | a sunseeker wind ripple
小温情 。|小柔情 。
The little warmth. | small tender feelings.
