英文情侣游戏名字( 三 )

怕不能 | 怕错过
Afraid can"t | afraid miss
可劲疯 | 何弃疗
Can strength the mad | how to refuse treatment
兮美人朝暮 | 思佳伊始乾
Beauty at the beginning of morning evening | think better dry
消停 。| 闹腾 。
Cease. | escapades.
酒易醉﹏ヽ | 心易碎﹏ヽ
Easy drunk man ヽ | heart fragile man ヽ
细雨 | 狂风
Drizzle | winds
誓言终成谎言 | 佳话终成笑话
Vow to lie | charming story into a joke
街灯亮 | 晚风归
Street lights | night breeze
夜里把灯点 | 灯下把墨研
At night the light point | light under the ink
温柔小妩媚 | 霸道小高傲
Tender little enchanting | bully stuck-up
南湘以南席城梦 | 席城以北南湘愿
South hunan mat city dream | seats in north-south city south of hunan
清涟不妖 | 鸾烛不离
QingLian not demon | luan candle stick
深爱不及永伴i | 关怀不及久在i
Love than me forever | I care less for a long time in the I
默默爱蛋蛋* | 蛋蛋爱默默*
Love balls * | egg silently silent and *
笨小蛋丶 | 逗小逼丶
Stupid little eggs, | make force,
携手相爱 | 执手相依
| love hold hands together hand in hand
长发挽君心 | 青丝缠郎君
Long hair in js mi ammy | of moss bound
醉眼迷红妆 | 昔日醉红尘
ZuiYan fan red makeup | once drunk the world of mortals
盯裆猫 | 互撸娃
At the cat | does lu Eva
伴我暖i | 与你安i
With my warm I | Ann I with you
冬天虐我千百遍 | 被子待我如初恋
Winter abuse me thousands times | quilt treat me like the first love
望你城 | 妄你城
Hope you city | jump you city
回憶茤浓﹌ | 想菍茤重﹌
Memories 茤 thick ﹌ | think 菍 茤 ﹌
醒是更深的梦 | 梦是无声的醒
Wake is deeper dream | is silent
丿凊颜灬相熙 | 丿凝思灬霜琴
丿 part yan 灬 phase city | 丿 contemplate 灬 frost
Dreams and | city and don"t
月寒影对 | 梦暖情双
On cold shadow of | dream NuanQing double
非你不娶 | 非你不嫁
Non-you don"t marry | you don"t marry
暖瞳 |温眸
Warm pupil | warm eyes
愿你不曾离去 。| 愿我陪伴永久 。
I wish you never leave. | I would like to accompany the permanent.
他名她命 | 她恋名他
He name life | she love him
折扇戏美人 | 掀纱窥君容
Folding fan play beauty | lift yarn looking gentleman
梦旅人 | 孤旅人
Dream traveler | lonely journey
一指流砂 | 一段年华
A refers to flow sand | a period of time
月暮浊冥薄阴情 | 孤阳流光溺清明
Month in both turbidity drowned ghost thin Yin feeling | solitary Yang of time to clear
过去不回首. | 未来不将就.
In the past, don"t look back. | will not in the future.
青衫湿 | 红袖染
The blue wet | red dye
窥视者 | 跟踪人
Peepers | tracking
温顺小姑娘 。| 帅气小伙子 。
Gentle girl. | handsome young man.
白绫纱青丝 | 眉目亦如画
To make white silk yarn of moss | picturesque
Pain silent ゛ | love galling ゛
画个句号给昨天〃 | 画个逗号给明天〃
Draw a full stop to "draw | a comma quotation yesterday to tomorrow"
惜花尚未折 。| 奈何花已谢 。
Precious little flower has yet to fold. | do flowers have withered.
〆 明媚如你 |メ 温暖如初
〆 bright and beautiful as you | メ warm
唯伱依赖づ | 唯伱疼嗳づ
You only rely on づ | only you ay づ pain
狸不开 | 桃不掉
Everthing don"t open | peach
清曲 | 晚歌
Qing song | late
左耳情话 | 右耳年华
Left ear about | the right time
浅笑`依依 | 浅笑`漠漠
Smiling ` yiyi | chuckled ` vast and lonely
緈福の小男人 | 緈福の小女人
緈 f の little man | 緈 の little woman
一念之间 | 一念执着
A read | a persistent whim
执念莫相言╮ | 执念莫相语╮
Obsession mo phase it ╮ | ╮ obsession mo phase language
Elder brother, 呮 you do | elder sister 呮 seaborne polices you do
恋爱季 。|分手季 。
Love season. | season break up.
呼吸多久念多久 | 心跳多久爱多久
How long how long how long how long to read | heartbeat love breathing
