英文情侣游戏名字( 五 )

In love | oath
朝如青丝 | 暮成白雪
The sunset like moss | into snow
情浓千股, | 复念一人.
Strong thousands of stocks, | after reading one.
人潮拥挤 | 我保护你
Crowded | I protect you
Indulgence | capricious
匣锁昔年妆 | 花葬旧时颜
Box lock "makeup | buried old yan
对着月亮说晚安 | 对着太阳说早安
He said good night to the moon | said "good morning" to the sun
涐只为了迩つ | 你是涐旳唯一つ
つ E for family | you are the only つ E Howard
If the heart | will be pain
活在梦里? | 终日难眠?
Living in a dream? | to sleep all day long?
南方有谷堆 | 北方有墓碑
North south have a heap | tombstone
地老天荒i | 天荒地老i
The end of time I | glebe"s old I
她在他心 | 他在她心
Her in his heart he | in her heart
你是我的春夏 | 亦是我的秋冬
You are my spring/summer | is also I fall and winter
Silence. | said.
溺水的猫 | 打伞的鱼
Drowning cat | with fish
风拍浪 | 浪逐风
The wind wave | wave by the wind
什么是心安 | 你就是答案
What is the mind | you is the answer
心软是病 | 回头致命
Softhearted is sick | back deadly
手不要给别人牵 | 拥抱也要留给我
Hand not to give others take | hug also want to leave me
看清了 | 看轻了
See the | looked down
霸气女汉子、 | 范二小青年′
Domineering woman man, | fan second youth "
半世流离 ∞ | 倾城温柔 ∞
The second displacement up | up city of tenderness
唯他命﹌ | 唯她命﹌
Only his life ﹌ | her life ﹌ only
Love does not change | love is constant
无疾无忧 | 百岁安生
No disease worry-free | centenarians bird
枉凝眉 | 枉伤悲
| waste curling eyebrows sorrow
忆了流年荒了屿 | 慕了凉笙无了歌
Have the worst drought the lantau | for the cool sheng no song
?暖不了你心 | 深不了你脑?
? Can"t warm your heart | deep brain don"t you?
许下地老天荒 | 走到海枯石烂
Make the end of time | to the seas run dry and the rocks crumble
执我之手 | 携我之心
Hold my hand | with my heart
君无戏言 | 妾等百年
You no joke | concubine, etc. One hundred
我与寂寞有染 | 我与幸福无缘
I had an affair with lonely | I and happiness
月下独醉 | 花间共舞
The moon drunk the | dance among the flowers
念与倾白 | 思与猗红
Read and white | think with Yi red
莫离、爱缘起秋天 | 莫弃、心碎在海边
Don"t from, cause love autumn | don"t abandon, heart is in the sea
泽禹っ | 瑾离へ
Ze yu っ | jin へ
[门卫叔叔] | [食堂阿姨]
[the guard uncle] | [aunt canteen]
无毒不丈夫、| 最毒妇人心、
The most poisonous woman heart, non-toxic no husband, |
高楼朝歌夜弦 | 舞袖倾国倾城
High-rise alborada night string America laguna | dance sleeve
-落红空卷影 。| -雨染梨花门 。
- no shadow. | - rain dye pear flower door.
你眼睛会笑?? | 弯成一条桥??
Your eyes will laugh?? | bent into a bridge?
喝最烈的酒 | 操最爱的人
The strongest wine to drink | love the most
人不如故. | 颜不如初.
People are not the same. | yan is not the same.
游弋在掌心的鱼 | 荡漾在眼眶的泪
Cruising in the palm of fish | ripples in the eyes of tears
曲调 | 格调
The tune | style
你狠嗨,| 你狠烂,
You are malicious hi, | you malicious bad,
ㄨ惜ヾ爱メ | ㄨ惜ヾ嫒メ
ㄨ cherish love メ ヾ | ㄨ メ. Cherish ヾ jingyuan
淡抹红尘世つ | 记忆画红尘つ
Pale reddish earth つ | painting world of mortals つ memory
允你倾世温柔 。| 给你倾国拥抱 。
You pour the gentleness. | pour countries hug for you.
冷眸 |温瞳
Cold eyes pupil | temperature
终究相拥、 | 终究相爱、
All embrace, | all love each other,
Quiet day, | quiet,
ぁ一个人|ぁ 一座城
ぁ one | ぁ a city
冷颜哥 | 诗颜姐
Cold YanGe YanJie | poetry
Away from the soul music. | hit.
南城雨落° | 北岸初晴°
South side rain ° north shore | attendance °
Late summer | early autumn
溺你于心海 ° | 囚你于心牢 °
Drowned in the tranquil you ° | you in prison °
兰香染素心 | 不语诉深情
