推荐家乡的景点北京名胜古迹有天坛,颐和园,万里长城,圆明园,特产有北京烤鸭,它以色泽红艳,肉质细嫩,味道醇厚,肥而不腻的特色,西安名胜古迹有西安兵马俑和大雁塔,西安的特产有凉皮和绿豆糕,四川名胜古迹有乐山大佛,山东名胜古迹有泰山,南京有名胜古迹中山凌 。
【推荐家乡的景点 最适合家乡的景点排名】
推荐家乡的景点作文400字风景秀丽,美不胜收,四通八达,流水潺潺,五彩缤纷,川流不息,息息相关,开门见山,高山流水,倾国倾城,枝繁叶茂,参天大树,吞云吐雾,气吞山河,沉鱼落雁,闭月羞花,自由自在,无拘无束,无忧无虑,开开心心,健健康康,笑口常开,平平安安,和和美美,团团圆圆 。
推荐家乡的景点英语作文dear friend,
since the new year is coming, i would like to invit you to spend the new year's day in china. there're many different traditions in china that you can enjoy. on the other hand, you can make many new friends in china. in china, we usually wear new clothes and get together on new year's eve. it is a time for us to celebrate the new year with our families. many famous chinese dishes such as dumplings are served at this time. i hope you will be interested to come. i'm waiting for your reply.
推荐家乡的景点作文家乡的景物作文我的家乡在城市,春,夏,秋,冬都美 。春天,春回大地,万物复苏,许多花儿都开了,有红的,白的,紫的,黄的,橘黄的,粉的,五光十色美丽极了 。小朋友都在和爸爸妈妈放风筝呢 。小溪欢快地流淌,百灵鸟放开嗓子唱出了动听的歌儿,春天红啊美! 夏天,道路两旁鲜花盛开,绿树成荫,像一位位高大的解放军叔叔,又犹如一把把遮阳伞,小朋友在下面乘凉 。还有的小朋友在游泳池里游泳,像一条条快活的小鱼,夏天好美! 秋天,果园里大丰收了,苹果露出了红红的脸颊,香梨挂起了金黄金黄的灯笼,高粱举起了燃烧的火把,小朋友们都品尝到了香甜的水果,秋天好美! 冬天,雪花纷纷飘扬,小朋友在公园里堆雪人,打雪仗…..屋顶上盖上了一层雪白雪白的棉被 。冬天好…
推荐家乡的景点英语作文初中The Yuntai is located the Henan Province Xiuwu County by the northern12 kilometers place, the prominent peak is the fruit of a medicinalcornel peak, the elevation 1,304 meters, because of suddenly, looks like a cauldron, covers above the group peak, is called inthe ancient times covers Pusan and further because to stand tall anderect for its , the forest cover, the ravine common fog windsaround, therefore is called the Yuntai.
Looked from the geographyviewpoint that, Yuntai is belongs to the South Pacific goodmountainous region in the terrain a part, therefore calls the toogood Yuntai.
The Yuntai was the Yubei Mingshan since old times, now has completedthe Yuntai scenic spot, also is the national level forest park and thenational level geology park. Now opens the main scenic area includes:Warm plate valley, fruit of a medicinal cornel peak, old deep poolditch, small stronghold ditch and so on. Good, the friends, we now entered the warm plate valley scenic area,it is because the earth's
推荐家乡的景点怎么写我的家乡在甜城——内江 。虽然那儿的风景没有首都北京那么优美,没有成都平原那么辽阔,但是我却非常喜爱我的家乡 。
家乡有三处美丽的景物:首先是大洲广场;其次是环绕着大洲广场的沱江河;再次是洁白无瑕的沱江三桥 。
在这三处景物里,最美丽的要数大洲广场了 。我玩赏过人山人海的天府广场,看见过大名鼎鼎的天安门广场,却从未见过大洲广场这样的广场 。大洲广场的柳树真多啊,多得像一道翠绿的屏障,柳条 从枝干上抽出,随风舞动,构成了一道美丽的风景;大洲广场的喷泉喷出的水柱真高啊,高得像一条条水龙直冲云霄,美丽极了;大洲广场的草真绿啊,绿得仿佛那是一块无疵的翡翠,翠绿无比 。
现在该说说沱江河了 。我看见过一望无际的大海,游玩过水平如镜的西湖,却从未见过沱江河这样的水 。沱江河的水真清啊,清得可以看见河底的鹅卵石,他们有的像猴子、像鸡蛋、像青蛙…… 形态万千,怪石嶙峋;沱江河的水真深啊,深得像一个无底洞似的,摸不着底;沱江河的水真美啊,清澈透底 。这时你会感觉到“舟行碧波上,人在画中游” 。
这样的广场围绕这样的水,这样的水倒映着这样的广场 。可是,谁又看见过三桥呢?
三桥像一条洁白的丝带,飘在沱江河的上空 。不但如此,三桥还连着一座长长的立交桥,它是我们内江高科技的象征 。
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