
1.哪位好心人给说20个be动词过去式的句子和20个普通过去式句子I was doing my homework I washed the car a moment ago I was watching TV at 11 last night. He was writing a book last week. When he was a boy he was always crying. I was late yesterday. Were you ill yesterday? We weren't late yesterday. When were you born? (be) She watered the flowers yesterday He waited for her two hours and then went home. I reviewed two lessons this morning. I stayed up last night .. I got up early yesterday morning Yesterday he said he was leaving for Shanghai next week. I went to the park last week. (过去式) 差不多叭~如果不够在补充下 , 我再打 。
2.请用过去式翻译下列句子【过去式be动词句子】Were you stay at home last Sunday?
No,I wasn't.
Where were you go last Sunday?
I was in the park.
Was Mary in the park too ?
No,she wasn't.
Then,Where she is?
She's at home.
What do you want to do at next week?
I just want to spend the weekend with my grandma in the countryside.
Good lucky!May i go with you?


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