去英国游玩的作文 去英国游玩的作文怎么写

一、去游玩瑞士的英语作文?switzerland is the place i most want to visit.it is bordered by germany to the norht,france to the west italy to the south and austria to the east.switzerland is one of most beautiful place in the earth which has become a dream destinatian for everyday including me.the climate there is largely responsible for making the country such a popular tourist destination.
二、去海滩游玩的英语作文?It was a fine day.The sun shined in the blue sky.The weather was really nice.I went to the beach with my parents and my little brother.
四、去桂平马丽山游玩的作文?空气清鲜,山青水秀,休闲旅游的好地方 。桂平西山以“石奇、树秀、茶香、泉甘”著名 。峰峦嵯峨,数十乃至百余立方米的巨石叠嶂,中有怪石嶙峋,石径曲幽 。石树参天,绿荫 匝地,自然景观壮丽 。
五、有关去公园游玩的英语作文?Today my parents took me to my grandfather ' s house . I played with my cousin . Suddenly my cousin suggested going to the park and having a rest . That ' s a good idea . I said . Then we 
 prepared for the traveling . After lunch , the sky turned dark . After that , it rained 
 heavily . It meant our plan is impossible . What a pity day !
六、去郊外游玩英语作文结尾?I had a good time there. I was tired but very happy.
八、关于去公园游玩的通知的英语作文?Last weekend, all students in my class went to the park. It was sunny that day. The park was full of kinds of flowers. In the morning, some of my classmates sang, danced, and some played valleyball. Some were playing Chinese chess under the tree. After lunch, we went boating and climbing the hills. Although we were tired, we were happy. We enjoyed ourselves that day. In the late of afternoon, we retuned to school by bus.
九、游玩岱庙的作文?牛年在不知不觉中就来到了人们身边 。
过年是人们最忙的时候了 。除夕忙着做年夜饭、祭祀;初一忙着拜年;今天是大年初二,阳光明媚,于是老妈决定我们一家三口去逛岱庙 。走在大街上,我发现每个人脸上都洋溢着新年到来的微笑,大街上也弥漫着喜庆祥瑞的气息 。来到岱庙,发现前来观赏、游玩的游客真是络绎不绝;石牌坊前车水马龙;岱庙里人山人海 。我们从正阳门进去后首先去了城墙,岱庙的城墙虽比不上故宫的雄伟;西安的壮丽,但也颇有一番情趣 。站在城墙上,放眼向南望去,发现正阳门难免的石牌坊做工真精美,繁杂的花纹,精湛的技艺,铸就了这个名扬全国的石牌坊 。这个石牌坊 在中国是很少见的 。来到城墙下,走在挂满灯笼的石路上,欣赏着路两旁的的花灯,我仿佛穿越了时空来到了古代 。我印象最深的花灯是:“金牛送福” 。花灯底下的的朵朵莲花众星拱月般的托着一只金牛,金牛嘴里还含着一个福字 。看!那边好不热闹!走近一看,竟然有几个演员在演唱中国国粹——京剧 。戏台前的人们目不转睛的盯着戏台上的演员 。呦!那边又是什么!爸爸说那是一辆老爷车和一辆美国式吉普 。人们争先恐后的去照相,场面真是热闹非凡 。我们又来到鲁班殿遗址所在的花园内 。这座花园内有许多的石碑,上面有许多名家的作品 。令我印象最深的是舒同的作品,他的作品中的字好像一幅画,令许多人驻足观看 。其次是刘墉的作品,他的作品给人清新、秀气而又大方的感觉,使许多人赞叹不已 。慈禧太后的“寿”字这人觉得敦厚有利,这也体现了慈禧沉稳性格 。很快,我们三口的岱庙之行就要接近尾声了,我通过这次岱庙之行,感受到了春节的气氛,也感受到了古代文化的博大与精深!
