滑雪|【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】首钢滑雪大跳台对外开放、赛后利用全年无休......( 三 )

滑雪|【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】首钢滑雪大跳台对外开放、赛后利用全年无休......

Beijing’s sub center will complete the upgrading of barrier-free facilities in 943 sites on 92 roads before the end of this month. The barrier-free facilities of 181 public toilets in the district will be upgraded simultaneously, including 181 sets of barrier-free handrails, 24 ramps, 181 mirrors, 362 emergency phones and 76 sets of barrier-free washbasins.
本月底前 , 城市副中心将完成92条道路上 , 共计943个点位的无障碍设施提升改造工作 。 除道路上的无障碍设施升级外 , 城区内181座公共厕所的无障碍设施同步升级 , 共更换181套室内无障碍扶手、改造24处出入口坡道、安装181块斜镜、362个紧急呼叫器和76套无障碍洗手盆 。
An activity to find the best Grand Canal’s story tellers is underway in the Beijing’s sub-center. The first batch of 10 story tellers was announced recently. Focusing on 6 aspects such as historic facts, intangible cultural heritage, the food of the Grand Canal and the changes of the Canal, the narrators will use their voices to tell the stories of the Grand Canal and promote the culture of the Canal.
北京城市副中心推出首批10位大运讲述人 , 用扣人心弦的故事与趣味生动的言语 , 描绘千年来这座城的一颦一笑 , 诉说岁月里的运河情缘 。 日前 , 通州区文化和旅游局开展了“大运讲述人”征集活动 , 面向广大市民征集“我”的运河故事 , 讲述“我”的运河情缘 , 用故事讲述对运河的深情眷恋 , 用声音传递通州的运河精神 , 提升北京城市副中心运河文化感染力和传播力 。 此次大运讲述人的候选人围绕“史实讲述”“非遗文化”“民间传说”“运河家风”“运河美食”“运河蝶变”六个主题方向开展创作 , 首批选定了李立军等10名优秀候选人获得“大运讲述人”资格 。
This year, Shunyi District plans to introduce new policies in the business field to support the construction of the "Two Zones". The new policies are related to business exhibitions and cross-border e-commerce. The "opening up of industries and industrial parks" will be a key guideline to establish and improve a market-oriented, international and professional investment attraction mechanism. The number of planned reserve projects will exceed 500. Project implementation rate will exceed 50% and it is expected that more than 2,800 new enterprises will be added to the district.
今年 , 顺义区拟出台“两区”商务领域相关产业政策 , 涵盖商务会展、跨境电商、总部企业等领域 。 同时 , 以“产业开放+园区开放”为主线 , 建立完善市场化、国际化、专业化招商机制 , 计划储备项目力争突破500个 , 计划项目落地率超过50% , 预计新增企业超过2800家 。
