滑雪|【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】首钢滑雪大跳台对外开放、赛后利用全年无休......( 二 )
“十四五”期间 , 北京市将推进智慧校园建设 , 中小学智慧校园达标率达85% , 遴选100所新型智慧校园示范校 。 市教委近日发布《北京教育信息化“十四五”规划》 。 规划明确 , 三年内 , 本市将实现教学网络千兆到校;加快学校基础网络、数字资源、信息系统和科学性软件工具的普及应用 , 推进物联网技术及各类智能感知设备校园应用 。
【滑雪|【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】首钢滑雪大跳台对外开放、赛后利用全年无休......】海淀将再增420万平方米高品质产业空间
In 2022, Haidian district will launch 233 supporting projects for the fixed asset investment. 41 projects are related to industrial spaces, including Da Beinong Biological Agriculture Innovation Park and the second phase of Jinyu Sci-tech Park. After completion of these projects, 4.2 million square meters of high-quality industrial spaces will be added to the district.
2022年海淀区共安排233个固定资产投资支撑项目 。 其中产业空间类项目41个 , 包括大北农生物农业创新园、西三旗金隅科技园二期等 。 这些产业项目建成后将为海淀区新增420万平方米高品质产业空间 。
To further shorten response time for emergency calls, Haidian district plans to build 13 new medical emergency stations, and purchase 21 ambulances and supporting medical equipment on vehicles. The district will strive to complete the construction of Haidian Infection Medical Center by the end of the year. 10 community health service sites will be put into operation. 23 medical institutions in the district will upgrade their medical vehicles this year.
海淀区今年计划新建13个院前急救站点 , 购置21辆救护车及配套车载设备 , 进一步缩短呼叫反应时间 。 海淀区将力争在今年底完成海淀感染医学中心建设 。 计划今年开业运营10个社区卫生服务站 。 全区23家医疗机构将更新医疗用车 。
The Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area has officially released Beijing’s first smart map for government affairs. Users only need to open the map on their phone, and they can know where and how to handle over 1000 government affairs in the district. The map is a featured service page of the APP “Shang Yicheng”. It can provide navigation and service guide among other services. The map now covers almost 60 square kilometers of the district, and has provided services in social security, medical care and education.
近日 , 北京经开区正式上线北京首张智慧政务地图 , 企业办事员和老百姓只要打开手机上的地图 , 就能知道1000多项政务服务在哪办、如何办 。 “政务地图”隶属于“尚亦城”APP的特色服务板块 , 它可以提供网点导航、查看办事指南等功能 。 目前 , 这份政务地图已经率先实现约60平方公里经开区范围全覆盖 , 涵盖社保、医疗、教育、公积金等多个领域 。
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