changes in my hometown英语作文 changes

英 [?t?e?nd??z]美 [?t?e?nd??z]
改变;变化; 使不同; (使)变换,改换,变成
改变;变化; 变更; 变革;(会令人感兴趣或可喜的)变化; 替代;更换;替代物
Tremendous changes have taken place here.
这里发生了巨大的变化 。
The world of men has undergone great changes.
换了人间 。
We consulted the original and made some necessary changes.
我们参照原文作了必要的修改 。
changes是什么意思changes的意思是“改变;变化” 。
做动词时,其意思是v.改变; 变化; 使不同; (使) 变换,改换,变成;强调“改变”这个动作本身的进行 。
做名词时,其意思是n.改变; 变化; 变更; 变革; (会令人感兴趣或可喜的) 变化; 替代; 更换; 替代物;强调“改变”的事物或者结果 。
1、It is a complex system, but it certainly makes a change
这是个复杂的体系,不过确实有所改变 。
2、His doctor increased the dosage but did not change to a different medication
他的医生加大了剂量,不过没有换药 。
3、We are trying to detect and understand how the climates change
我们正努力探寻并理解气候是如何变化的 。
Change detection
变化检测 ; 通过相减等操作将两幅匹准图像的像素加以比较从而检测出其中物体差别的技术 ; 变化觉察 ; 变更检波
change money
换钱 ; 兑换货币或换零钱 ; 兑换 ; 兑换钱
ball change
换球 ; 脚掌换步 ; 更换新球 ; 掌换步
speed change
[机][车辆]变速 ; 速率变化 ; 速度变化 ; 速度改变
Change hands
易手 ;[贸易]转手 ; 某物的占有者发生更换 ; 交易成功
Change Color
改变颜色 ; 转换颜色 ; 改变色彩 ; 颜色转变
bicycle change
net change
净改变法 ; 净变法 ; 净变
1 N-VAR 变化;改变;变革
If there is a change in something, it becomes different.
The ambassador appealed for a change in US policy...
大使呼吁美国在政策上作出改变 。
What is needed is a change of attitude on the part of architects...
现在需要的是建筑师态度的转变 。
2 N-SING (令人愉快的)变化,改变
If you say that something is a change or makes a change, you mean that it is enjoyable because it is different from what you are used to.
It is a complex system, but it certainly makes a change...
这是个复杂的体系,不过确实有所改变 。
Do you feel like you could do with a change?
3 VERB 改用;改做
If you change from one thing to another, you stop using or doing the first one and start using or doing the second.
His doctor increased the dosage but did not change to a different medication...
他的医生加大了剂量,不过没有换药 。
He changed from voting against to abstaining.
他原打算投反对票,后来改为弃权了 。
4 V-ERG (使)变化;(使)改变
When something changes or when you change it, it becomes different.
We are trying to detect and understand how the climates change...
我们正努力探寻并理解气候是如何变化的 。
In the union office, the mood gradually changed from resignation to rage...
在工会办公室,情绪慢慢从顺从转变成愤怒 。
5 VERB 更换;替换
To change something means to replace it with something new or different.
I paid £80 to have my car radio fixed and I bet all they did was change a fuse...
我花80英镑让人把我车上的收音机修了修,可我敢肯定,他们只是换了根保险丝 。
If you want to change your doctor there are two ways of doing it.
你要是想换个医生,办法有两个 。
6 VERB 换(衣服);更衣
When you change your clothes or change, you take some or all of your clothes off and put on different ones.
Ben had merely changed his shirt...
本仅仅换了件衬衫 。
They had allowed her to shower and change...
他们准许她冲个澡,换套衣裳 。
7 N-COUNT 替换衣服;备用衣服
A change of clothes is an extra set of clothes that you take with you when you go to stay somewhere or to take part in an activity.
He stuffed a bag with a few changes of clothing.
他往包里塞了几套换洗衣服 。
8 VERB 换(床单)
When you change a bed or change the sheets, you take off the dirty sheets and put on clean ones.
