丧偶老人的凄凉生活 solr( 三 )

field name="5#城市" type="string" indexed="false" stored="true"/
pf 查询字段 qf 设置字段性对查询字段的比重 bf 设置权重的值
Searchers are presented with the indexed terms, along with numerical counts of how many matching documents were found were each term. Faceting makes it easy for users to explore search results, narrowing in on exactly the results they are looking for
facet.poivt 实现了多维统计.例如统计班级学生的成绩分布 , 可以设置poivt=class,poivt=socore 返回的结果就是每个班各个成绩段学生的数量
在SolrJ中使用facet功能需要手动开启: query.setFacet(true) .然后根据需要 query.set(,) 添加条件.
facet 简单使用
