antismoking lobby was out antismoking

吸烟对健康有害的2种写法的英语译文.吸烟对健康有害 Smoking is harrnful to health
1.吸烟对健康有害 。
2.改变吸烟的习惯并不容易 。
3.为了保护非吸烟者不受其害,应当采取措施减少吸烟的机会 。
Smoking is harrnful to health. Medical science has now proved that smoking cancause lung cancer and other diseases such as emphysema. Your chances of having a heartattack also increase the more you smoke. Smoking is dafinitely a health hazard.
Getting rid of the smoking habit is not easy. Many inveterate smokers are neverable to quit completely. Those who try to quit often experience depression, severe headaches, and sometimes get a lot of weight as they turn to food as a substitute.
In order to protect non-smokers from being affected, measures must be taken to reduce the chances of smoking. Children must be warned about the dangers of smoking. Cigarette companies should not be allowed to advertise on TV or radio, or in newspapers and magazines. Remove cigarette vending machines. Raise cigarette prices by adding higher tobacco taxes and use the money for antismoking campaigns.
吸烟对健康有害 。医学已经证明吸烟能引起肺癌和其它疾病, 如肺气肿 。吸烟越多, 得心脏病的机会也会增加 。无疑吸烟对健康有害 。
改变吸烟的习惯并不容易 。许多烟瘾大的人没有能力彻底戒烟 。想戒烟的人常常感到意气消沉,头疼的厉害,有时还会增加体重,因为他们把食物作为代用品 。
为了保护非吸烟者不受其害,应当采取措施减少吸烟的机会 。应当告诫儿童不要吸烟 。不允许烟草公司在电视上、电台上、报纸和杂志上刊登香烟广告 。清除那些自动售烟机 。增加烟草税收以提高香烟价格,并且把这些钱投入戒烟运动中 。
be out to是什么意思?意思是:去做某件事 。
一、重点词汇:out 。
二、英 [a?t] 。
(1)adv 出现;向外;在室外;出狱;遥远地;出海;退潮;指离球门线或终点线的距离;在公共娱乐场所;公开;出声地;殆尽;直至完成;完全;熄灭;除去;出局 。
(2)prep 从……里面出去,离开 。adj 熄灭的;盛开的;面市的;出局的;不能被接受的;过时的;不准确的;打算做……的;被公开的 。
(3)v 击倒,击晕;揭露(某人)是同性恋;熄灭;驱逐;拒绝;解除 。
(4)n 出路,脱身办法;(棒球)使球员出局的办法;在野党 。
Out of Africa 走出非洲 ; 远离非洲 ; 非洲之旅 ; 走出非洲专辑 。
1、be作系动词可用于Thereis/are句型,意思是“有;存在” 。
2、be还可与名词,代词,形容词,副词,介词短语,动词的现在分词及过去分词,动词不定式或名词性从句连用,以提供名称或信息 。
3、be还可用于It is/was句型,用于描述情况或表达想法,也可用于表达时间等 。
4、be还可与mine〔yours,etc〕或for me〔you,etc〕等连用,表示某物的所属 。
5、be还可与表示数量等的名词连用,表示花费,值,等于,等同等义 。
6、be还可与everything〔nothing,etc〕 (to sb)连用,表示对某人的重要性 。

antismoking lobby was out antismoking

禁烟 ...
反对吸烟 ...
Anti-smoking movement 禁烟运动
Anti-smoking education 无烟教育
Anti-smoking activity 反烟运动 ; 反烟运动
Anti-smoking campaigns 反吸烟运动
Anti-smoking legislation 禁烟
Anti-smoking campaign 反吸烟运动
Anti-smoking measure 禁烟措施
Anti-smoking measures 反吸烟措施
求一些英文句子,关于环境保护,气候变暖,动物保护,还有关于吸烟禁烟的句子 。先谢过了【环境保护】
1、环境保护 人人有责 Everybody is responsible for environmental protection
2、如果每个人为环境保护作出一点贡献,我们的家园会变得更加美丽 。if everyone could make a big contribution to environmental protection, our home will become much more beautiful.
3、在空气和水的质量上,我非常希望这个城市能投入更多,让自己变得更清洁、更环保 。
Ireallywishthecitywouldinvestmoreinto making it clean and greenintermsofairandwaterquality.
Bill: It's such a lovely day. I love sunshine!
Any: Yes, it's nice and bright.
Bill: I hope it stays like this! I don't like the hot weather!
Any: Is the weather usually like this here? What's the weather like in summer?
