asas副词句型造句,,as造五个副词句子I like apples as well as bananas. 我既爱苹果也爱香蕉 。
I'm learning French as well as English.我学英语之外还学法语 。I will come back as soon as possible.我会尽快回来 。
This problem is as easy as that one.这道题和那道题一样简单 。They work as hard as they do.他们工作像你一样努力 。
2.用as as造句1.Mother is as mad as all get out.
母亲气疯了 。
2. As soon as his father went out, the boy ran to the cinema.
爸爸刚出门,那男孩就跑向电影院 。
3. I wish I were as tall as you.
但愿我像你一样高 。
4. I hope this year is as happy as the last.
我希望您今年跟去年一样快乐 。
5. You're as good as gold!
6. I hope I will be as beautiful as my mother.
我希望将来和我母亲一样漂亮 。
7. My granddaughter is as pretty as a little doll.
8. You are as pretty as a picture.
你简直像画一样美丽 。
9. The room is as hot as a stove.
这屋子热得像火炉一样 。
10. His hand is as cold as ice.
他的手和冰一样冷 。
3.asas…as是同级比较的用法 。在中间可以放入形容词,副词 。
eg. He runs as fast as me/I. 他和我跑得一样快 。这里的fast是副词 。
She is as beautiful as me/I. 她和我一样漂亮 。
还可以在中间加入倍数的比较,用法可以见例句 。
eg. My father's hand is twice as big as mine. 我爸爸的手是我的两倍大 。
注意:as…as的比较对象(如前面他和我,我爸爸的手和我的手)要一致 。
前面一个例句他、她和我的比较,我可以用宾格,也可以用主格 。
4.asas…as是同级比较的用法 。
在中间可以放入形容词,副词 。eg. He runs as fast as me/I. 他和我跑得一样快 。
这里的fast是副词 。She is as beautiful as me/I. 她和我一样漂亮 。
还可以在中间加入倍数的比较,用法可以见例句 。eg. My father's hand is twice as big as mine. 我爸爸的手是我的两倍大 。
注意:as…as的比较对象(如前面他和我,我爸爸的手和我的手)要一致 。前面一个例句他、她和我的比较,我可以用宾格,也可以用主格 。
5.asShe is as slim as I am.
她和我一样苗条 。
句中的as…as…意为“和……一样”,中间用形容词或副词的原级,它的否定形式为not as…as… ,意为“不如” 。如:
I am as tall as Jack.
我和杰克一样高 。
My pencil case isn't as new as yours.(==Your pencil case is newer than mine.)
我的铅笔盒不如你的铅笔盒新 。


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