分析英语怎么读 分析英语( 三 )

His obituary also topped the rankings.
他的讣告也登上了榜首 , 
There was no corresponding call to deepen our coverage of US novelists and their work.
但没人打电话让我们做美国小说家及其作品的深度报道 。
Insights from only a few users can still be valuable.
就算只是少数用户的意见 , 也可能很有价值 。
Mr King advises against ignoring the shopper who complains she waited 15 minutes at the self-service tills, even if your spreadsheet shows the average wait was two minutes.
金建议 , 不要忽视抱怨自己在自助收银机那里等待了15分钟的顾客 , 即使你的电子表格显示平均等待时间是2分钟 。
Her perception that it took much longer may tell you more than whole dashboards of data.
她感到等待的时间长得多 , 这或许能告诉你全部数据以外的东西 。
Similarly, asked what Spotify would do with the customers from hell, Joakim Sundén, senior tech leader at the music streaming service, told the Drucker Forum that their deep pain might be telling you about a problem you had not identified.
同样 , 当被问到Spotify如何应对来自地狱的顾客时 , 这家音乐流媒体服务公司的资深技术主管若阿基姆.松登(Joakim Sundén)在德鲁克论坛上说 , 他们的深度痛苦或许正在告诉你一个你之前未曾发现的问题 。
Remember, too, that there are some situations in which data may never be much help.
也要记住 , 在某些情况下 , 数据或许永远帮不上大忙 。
One is innovation, where the tyranny of the business plan cramps ideas and narrows options, according to experts gathered in Vienna last week.
德鲁克论坛上的专家认为 , 一个是创新 , 专横的商业计划束缚了思想 , 局限了选项 。
As Rita Gunther McGrath of Columbia Business School puts it: It’s always easier to go back to the spreadsheet.
正如哥伦比亚商学院(Columbia Business School)的丽塔.冈瑟.麦格拉思(Rita Gunther McGrath)所说:回去看电子表格 , 总是更容易的 。
Roger Martin, who heads the Rotman management school’s Martin Prosperity Institute, says he would ban the word proven from organisations that wish to innovate.
罗特曼管理学院(Rotman School of Management)马丁繁荣研究所(Martin Prosperity Institute)所长罗杰.马丁(Roger Martin)说 , 他会禁止希望创新的机构使用经过验证的这个词 。
It’s hard to explore possibilities if you have to know the answer before you start, adds Tim Brown, chief executive of Ideo.
如果你必须在开始前知道答案 , 那就很难探索可能性了 , Ideo首席执行官蒂姆.布朗(Tim Brown)补充说 。
Knowing your customer will never be a zero-sum contest between a researcher with a clipboard and IBM’s Watson.
理解你的客户 , 永远不是拿着带夹子的写字板的研究人员和IBM的沃森(Watson)之间的零和竞争 。
Nor should it be.
也不应该是 。
The best insights come from some hard-to-define blend of what you know from listening to individual users, what you can learn from their collective past behaviour and what you intuit they will want in future.
最好的理解产生于一种难以定义的混合认知:你倾听单个用户所了解到的东西 , 你从他们的集体过往行为中学到的东西 , 以及你从直觉知道他们未来想要的东西 。
The really flawed assumption is that a capsule of data inserted into the analytics machine will always generate the perfect brew.
真正错误的假设是 , 把一些数据输入分析机器 , 总会生成最佳答案 。
1. 表达能力用英语怎么说
2. 性格开朗用英语怎么说
3. 理念用英语怎么说
4. 朋友圈用英语怎么说
5. 工作量用英语怎么说
单词发音:英 ['?n?la?z]、美 ['?n(?)la?z] 。
example analyse实例分析 。
space analyse空间分析 。
Quantitative Analyse定量分析 。
performance analyse性能分析 。
simulation analyse仿真分析 。
Empirical Analyse实证分析 。
Casting analyse铸件分析 。
coverage analyse覆盖率分析 。
analyse litteraire文学分析 。
You should do analyse this problem.
你们要对这个问题进行分析 。
Next, you need to analyse the metrics.
接下来 , 你需要分析这个矩阵 。
We should analyse all aspects of the problem.
【分析英语怎么读 分析英语】
