分析英语怎么读 分析英语( 二 )

但目前有迹象表明 , 即便在大数据运用最广泛的领域 , 大数据也遭遇了强烈反弹 。
As chief executive of UK supermarket chain J Sainsbury until 2014, Justin King commanded a data set that showed, for instance, that purchases of diet products were the best indication that customers were planning to go on holiday — and that they might therefore be open to some deft direct marketing of suntan lotion.
比如 , 担任英国连锁超市森宝利(J Sainsbury)首席执行官直至2014年的贾斯廷.金(Justin King)掌握的一个数据集显示 , 购买减肥食品是顾客打算去度假的最佳信号 , 因此他们可能很容易接受某些精明的防晒霜直接营销 。
He believes retailers should use such information to represent the shopper better in, say, negotiations with suppliers.
他认为 , 零售商应当使用这类数据——比如在与供应商的谈判中——更好地代表顾客 。
But at a Financial Times 125 Forum I chaired recently, he said he worried data were now used against customers.
但在不久前我主持的英国《金融时报》125论坛(FT 125 Forum)上 , 他表示 , 他担心如今数据的使用是不利于顾客的 。
He has, for instance, criticised the use of loyalty card data to game the customer by offering them vouchers to switch brands.
例如 , 他对利用积分卡数据算计顾客、通过提供代金券诱使他们转换品牌的做法提出了批评 。
It is too soon to declare the triumph of what one ex-colleague used to call big anecdote over the ideology of easy-to-measurism that has held boardrooms in thrall for the past few years.
现在要宣称我的一名前同事所称的重磅轶事相对于易于衡量观念——过去几年企业董事会牢牢奉行这种观念——取得了胜利 , 还为时尚早 。
For example, the hastily declared failure of pollsters to predict a Donald Trump victory in the US election is more likely to be due to unsound one-on-one surveys than yawning deficiencies in wider data-gathering.
例如 , 有人仓促宣布民意调查机构未能预测到唐纳德.特朗普(Donald Trump)在美国大选中获胜 , 但预测失败的原因更有可能是不可靠的一对一调查 , 而不是宏观数据收集方面的巨大缺点 。
The science of data analytics, when combined with cognitive computing and even neuroscientific and behavioural research, is also going to get more sophisticated and precise.
数据分析科学 , 跟认知计算、甚至还有神经科学与行为研究结合在一起 , 也将变得更先进、更精确 。
For now, some of the tools measuring customer satisfaction are as blunt as those smiley-face pads you find at airports, asking you to assess your experience.
目前 , 有些衡量顾客满意度的工具就像你在机场发现的邀请你给旅途体验打分的笑脸打分板一样生硬 。
I still wonder how the airline I flew with last summer interpreted the input from the cheerful toddler who was repeatedly stabbing the angry-face icon on the machine at our departure gate.
我仍在好奇 , 今年夏季我乘坐飞机的那家航空公司 , 对于那个开心的学步小童反复去戳登机口旁那台机器上的愤怒脸图标意味着什么如何解释 。
Separately, Facebook — whose access to vast user-created troves of information retailers and airlines can only dream about — has got into trouble with its advertising customers after admitting mistakes measuring the time users spend viewing video advertisements and articles.
另外 , Facebook在广告客户那里遇到了麻烦 , 因为Facebook承认 , 在衡量用户观看视频广告和阅读文章的时间上出了错误 。Facebook掌握着零售商和航空公司只能梦想一番的海量用户生成信息 。
Too often, computer-generated facts come close to overruling common sense.
有太多时候 , 计算机生成的事实几乎碾压常识 。
When Pope John Paul II died in 2005, a senior editor noted that the news had surged to the top of the FT website’s most-read stories and ordered me (I was then editing our opinion pages), to commission insights into Vatican policies, Catholic mores and papal history — none of which was a hit.
当2005年教皇约翰.保罗二世(Pope John Paul II)去世时 , 一名资深编辑注意到 , 该消息已猛升至英国《金融时报》网站热门文章首位 , 然后命令我(当时我是观点版面的编辑)约一些有关梵蒂冈政策、天主教习俗和教皇历史的分析文章 , 结果这些文章没有一篇受到追捧 。
Three days later, Saul Bellow died.
三天后 , 索尔.贝娄(Saul Bellow)去世 , 
