Breastfeeding two puppies breastfeeding

哺乳用英语怎么说哺乳指动物产下幼仔以后 , 用自己乳腺分泌乳汁哺育幼仔的生物现象 。乳汁中含有丰富的营养 , 还有一些抵御疾病的特殊抗体 , 因此对幼仔的生长发育极其有利 。哺乳促进了动物最有效地保护和繁殖后代 , 是高等动物进化特征之一 。猪、牛、羊等具有这种特征的动物 , 称为哺乳动物 。那么你知道吗?下面来学习一下吧 。
哺乳是哺乳动物的本能 。
Suckling is an instinct in mammals.
可以看到大量的妊娠和哺乳母猪 。
You see many gestating and lactating sows on this site.
怀孕及哺乳中女性请勿食用 。
Do not eat during pregnancy or lactation.
对人类哺育婴儿或哺乳所知甚少 。
Amazingly little is known about human lactation or nursing.
全部部分被用作药引起哺乳 。
All parts are used as medicine to induce lactation.
她还告诉我 , 许多女性因为这个原因放弃哺乳 。
She also told me that many women quit breastfeeding for this reason.
哺乳不是恋童癖 。
Breastfeeding is not pedophilia.
对许多妇女来说 , 哺乳问题是个严重的挑战 。
The issue of breastfeeding poses a major challenge for many women.
Could my rudimentary mammal yield a copious supply of milk?
此产品并没有将要采取的怀孕或哺乳妇女 。
This product is not to be taken by pregnant or lactating women.
向你的医生或医院护理人员咨询相关的顾问的名字 , 以防你以后有哺乳喂养方面的任何问题 。
Ask your doctor or hospital staff for names of lactation consultants, in case you have any breastfeeding problems.
不到三个月 , 小象仔死了 , 虽然它也曾试图从部族中的其他处于哺乳期的雌象那里得到喂养 。
The calf died within three months, despite her attempts to nurse from other lactating females in her family.
母熊通常在冬眠期间产下胡桃大小的幼仔 , 哺乳几个月 , 小熊们渐渐长大 , 当春天来临大地解冻时 , 母熊从冬眠中醒来 , 离开巢穴 。
She-bears normally give birth to tiny walnut-sized cubs during their winter hibernation and suckle them for months as they grow, before the spring thaw awakens the mother and she leaves her den.
要是他们不满意我哺乳 。
And if people don't like my breast-feeding.
当我的第一个孩子出生的时候 , 我知道自己的身体在开始分泌催产素 , 它会激发哺乳 。
When my first baby was born, I knew my body would start secreting oxytocin, which stimulates lactation.
国际母乳会LLL哺乳顾问可帮您获得这种饲管并教您 。
An LLL Leader or lactation consultant will be able to help you obtain one and learn to use it.
多胞胎生育的 , 每多哺乳一个婴儿 , 每次哺乳时间增加三十分钟 。
Much afterbirth embryo bears, every many lactation a baby, every time lactation time adds half an hour.
结果:哺乳期激乳素使乳腺小叶增生肥大 , 乳汁不断分泌、贮存;
Results: In lactation, the lactogen made the lobules of mammary gland hypertrophy, hyperplasia and full of milk.
Nutritional iodine status among women in gestational and lactational period in areas with intervention of salt iodization project, Jiangsu province
据统计 , 未婚、未生育、未哺乳或哺乳不良者轻易发病 。
According to statistic, maiden, did not bear, not lactation or lactation are undesirable person e on easily.
正在怀胎与哺乳时期 , 可促使良性及恶性肿瘤敏捷成幼 , 需惹起留意 。
Pregnancy and lactation are periods of benign and malignant tumors may promote quick as the young, to be aroused attention.
preghahcy怎么吃?Pregnacare系列吃法 , 孕妇的维生素产品种类繁多 , 这款英国的知名品牌Pregnacare系列应该怎么吃呢?下面就来跟大家做一个详细的说明介绍 , 关于Pregnacare系列的正确吃法马上讲解 。
1 Pregnacare Original 单独维生素不含钙不含鱼油(90粒 , 30粒装2种 , 目前我们店铺只出售90粒装)
2 Pregnacare plus 维生素不含钙含鱼油(28粒维生素+28粒鱼油)
3 Pregnacare max最全面含钙含鱼油(56粒维生素+28粒鱼油)
