knife的复数 watch的复数

knife的复数 watch的复数


一,联想记忆---一天day n. 天;白天;时期
these days 如今
day after day 日复一日
today n .今天
morning n. 上午
on Friday morning 在周五的上午
noon n. 正午
at noon 在中午
afternoon n.下午
in the afternoon在下午
evening n. 晚上
night n. 夜间
at night 在夜里
tonight ad.&n. (在)今晚;今夜
the other day 前几天
the day after tomorrow 后天
the day before yesterday前天
day and night日日夜夜
I. 完成句子,一空一词:
1. There is a party t________, it begins at 9:00 pm. Would you like to come?
2. We usually have a rest for 30 minutes _______ ______(中午).
II. 单项选择:
3. _________ Thursday night my mother and I watched a movie.
A. In B. At C. Of D. On
4. My fridend Tom studies very hard, and he often reads books till ________.
A. the night B. night
C. evening D. the evening
1. tonight 通过题干 “它在晚上9点开始” 。
2. 在中午应为“at noon” 。
3. 答案D 。“有on必有天”,即在具体某一天要用介词on.如:on Monday, on a
cold day, on January 1st 。
4. 答案B 。根据句意为“他经常读书至深夜 。”
some day将来有一天
all night 整夜
good night晚安
from morning till night 整天
far into the night 直到深夜
二,联想记忆---时间date n.日期
time n. 时间;次数
three times a day 每天三次
second n.秒num. 第二
minute n. 分钟
five minutes’ walk五分钟的步行
hour n. 小时
half an hour半小时
clock n. 钟表
o’clock n. 点钟
month n. 月
century n. 世纪;百年
the eighteenth century 十八世纪
period n. 时期;时代
a long period 长期
moment n.片刻;瞬间
at a moment在那个时候
I. 完成句子,一空一词:
1. There are 60 s________ in a minute.
2. They arrived at the hotel _______ ______ _______(半小时)later.
II. 单项选择:
3. My home is not far from school. It’s only ________.
A. ten minute’s walk
B. ten minutes’s walk
C. ten minutes’ walk
D. ten minute walk
4. Once I wore five _________around my arm.
A. watchs
B. watches
C. clock
D. clocks
1. 通过题干得出“一分钟有60秒” 。所以答案应该为“seconds” 。
2.“半小时”应为“half an hour” 。
3. 答案C 。时间后面可以用名词所用格,10分钟为10 minutes,以s结尾的所有格构成规则是在后面加“’” 。
4. 答案B 。手表才能戴在手臂上,另外前面是“five”,所以应用watch的复数形式,以s,x,ch,sh为结尾的名词应该加es构成复数形式 。
猜一猜:I can stand still and go at the same time. What am I?
答案:A clock
三,联想记忆---星期Monday 星期一
on Monday 在周一
on Tuesday morning 在周二上午
Friday 星期五
Saturday 星期六
Sunday 星期日
week n. 星期
weekday n. 平日;工作日
on weekdays 在工作日
weekend n. 周末
I. 完成句子,一空一词:
1. The day after Wednesday is T___________.
2. In China, many pupils have to have different lessons ________ _________(在周末).
II. 单项选择:
3. You can buy things in that shop from Monday to Friday. It opens on every __________.
A. weekend
B. weekends
C. weekday
D. weekdays
4. I can’t remember when we had the meeting, but I know it was _____ a Monday morning.
A. in B. on C. at D. to
1. Thursday 在周三之后的天是周四 。
2. on/at weekends 在周末用 on/at weekends 。
3. 答案C 。从周一到周五是工作日,而且由every来修饰,所以选择C 。
4. 答案B 。表示具体的某一天用介词on 。
猜一猜:What is the hottest day of a week?
四,联想记忆---月份January 1月
February 2月
March 3月
April 4月
May 5月
June 6月
July 7月
August 8月
September 9月
October 10月
November 11月
February comes after January.
一月之后是二月 。
I. 完成句子,一空一词:
1. A__________ Fools’ Day is very popular in western countries.
