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你知道世界各国最受欢迎的大学专业都是什么吗?《青春时光》杂志(Youth Time magazine)开展的一项全球调查得出的结果可能会让你大吃一惊 。
调查结果显示,中国人最爱理工科,印度人则偏爱艺术和法律,美国人和德国人对医学和工程学情有独钟,澳大利亚是唯一一个不待见IT专业的国家 。除了俄罗斯外,商务管理专业在世界各国都很吃香 。
一起来看看这些专业选择潮流的背后原因 。

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Germany: Guys like Engineering while ladies prefer German Studies, but they both love Business
The independent survey from StudyCheck shows differences in the most popular courses for men and women. Business Administration has for years held the top spot in the ranking of the most popular programs, both for men and women.
StudyCheck的独立调查显示,最受德国男性和女性欢迎的专业是不同的 。但是,工商管理专业多年来一直是德国男女都爱选择的专业 。
When it comes to the 2nd place, German Studies is favored by women, and 75% of German Studies students are female.
最受女性喜爱的热门专业第二名是德语研究专业,75%的德语研究系学生都是女性 。
Meanwhile, German men choose Mechanical Engineering as their second favorite, and this is just the beginning of their interest in engineering.
与此同时,最受德国男性欢迎的热门专业第二名是机械工程学,而男性对工程学的兴趣不止于此 。
Medicine is one of the most popular subjects in Germany and the 3rd most popular among German ladies, while Computer Science is still listed by men as their 3rd choice. 4th and 5th placed popular majors among German guys are both in the engineering area (Industrial Engineering and Electrical Engineering), while German ladies turn to Law and Pedagogy.
医药专业是德国最受欢迎的专业之一,也是最受德国女性欢迎的热门专业第三名,而最受德国男性欢迎的热门专业第三名是计算机科学 。德国男性最喜爱的热门专业第四名和第五名都是工程学类专业(工业工程学和电气工程学),而德国女性最喜爱的热门专业第四名和第五名分别是法学和教育学 。
Graduates who earn engineering degrees have excellent job prospects. New engineering graduates will earn relatively high salaries of €2,800 to €3,800 a month in Germany. Besides, they have a wide range of activities open to them, from plant engineering and mechanical engineering to aerospace engineering and vehicle construction.
获得工程学学位的毕业生拥有良好的就业前景 。新近的工程学毕业生在德国每月收入相对较高,可达2800欧元到3800欧元(约合人民币2.2万到3万) 。而且,他们的就业范围也很广,涵盖设备安装使用工程、机械工程、航空航天工程和车辆工程 。
According to the HIS study, every second German Studies student aspires to become a teacher.
根据调研机构HIS的调查,德语研究专业的学生每两个就有一个想当老师 。
Teacher training usually promises a quick career start and good salary prospects.
接受教师培训通常可以快速开启职业生涯,而且薪资前景也不错 。
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Russia: The popularity of pedagogical degrees may surprise you
Pedagogical faculties, IT specialties, and Medicine are the most popular majors for Russian university entrants in 2019, reports Russian Ministry of Education and Science.
俄罗斯教育与科学部报告称,教育学、信息技术和医药学是2019年最受俄罗斯大学新生欢迎的专业 。
It may surprise many readers that pedagogical degrees generate so much enthusiasm.
教育学学位居然这么吃香,这可能会让许多读者感到吃惊 。
One possible reason is that in the past few years the career of teacher has became more prestigious in Russia.
一个可能的原因是过去几年来教师职业在俄罗斯更受尊敬了 。
Reforms in education have brought higher salaries for teachers and have helped to attract young, highly qualified professionals.
教育改革提高了教师收入,也有助于吸引年轻的高素质专业人才加入 。
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Australia: An aging population has boosted health-related enrollment, and Australia is the only country where IT has dropped
