ambitious( 五 )

终身学习 life-long study
身心健康 physical and mental health
没有后悔药 no recipe for regrets
成功无捷径 There is no shortcut to success.
侵权 copyright infringements
城市交通问题 urban traffic problems
住房问题 housing problems
高考制度改革 reform of college entrance examination
知识产权的保护 intellectual property right
宏观调控 macro-regulation
老龄化 aging trend
地区差异 regional disparity
移民热 the craze for immigration
低碳 low carbon life
个人信息泄露 personal data leakage
传统价值观 traditional values
人生观 the view of life
就业与失业 employment and unemployment
诚信问题 honesty and trusty problems
私人汽车 private cars
环境污染 environmental pollution
能源危机 energy crises
假日旅游 traveling on holidays
大众传媒负面影响 the negative influence of mass media
应试教育 test-oriented education system
助学贷款 students loans
缺乏爱心 lacking of love/be lack of love


诚信 honesty
真诚 sincerity
创新 innovation
人际交往 human communication
负责 responsibility
感恩 thanksgiving
感谢 gratitude
给予 offering
沟通 communication
智慧聪明 intelligence
苦难 suffering
宽容 forgiveness
热情passion and enthusiasm
希望 hope
理解 understanding
信任 trust
自信 confidence
尊重 respect
文明 civilization
积累 accumulation
坚持 persistence
踏实,脚踏实地,务实 being down-to-earth
拼搏,勤奋,努力 determined spirit, diligence, endeavor
悲观心态 pessimistic mind
乐观心态 optimistic mind
竞争精神 competitiveness spirit
打破常规 being out-of-the-frame
正直 honesty/integrity
快节奏的都市生活 fast-paced urban life
心理压力 mental pressure
网络不安全 network unsafety
侵犯隐私权 invasion of privacy right
水污染 water pollution/water contamination
电子商务 e-commerce
尖端科技 state-of-the-art technology
电子货币 e-currency
人工智能 artificial intelligence
基因工程 genetic engineering
转基因食品 genetically modified food
试管婴儿 test-tube baby
三维电影 three-dimensional movie
虚拟银行 virtual bank
纳米 nanometer
计划生育 family planning
综合国力 overall national strength
人口出生率 birth rate
生态系统 ecosystem
汽车限购 vehicle purchase restriction
车牌摇号 a lottery for license plates

