participate名词 participate( 六 )

[34:27.93]n.印刷业;印刷字体 v. 印刷
[34:43.80]n.囚犯 , 犯人;俘虏
[35:06.25]n.奖赏 , 奖品
[35:31.29]n.过程 vt. 处理 vi. 列队前进
[35:37.57]It is certain that this process will continue,
[35:40.75]and people will keep inventing new words and new ways of saying things.
[35:51.40]vt.生产;制造 n.农产品
[35:57.57]We could produce a monster, or even a superhuman race
[36:00.86]that could one day end up replacing us.
[36:03.73]Human life would no longer be unique;it would just be a product for sale.
[36:33.86]The son of John Shakespeare, a government official
[36:37.39]in rural England in the mid-1500s, may never have been
[36:41.94]inspired to take up writing as a profession.
[37:10.60]n.进步;前进 vi.进展
[37:23.68]n.工程;计划 v. 突出
[37:31.22]n.许诺 , 承诺 v. 许诺
[37:37.09]I made her promise not to tell anyone,
[37:39.52]and she said she would keep my secret.
[38:55.72]An advertisement provides information
[38:58.64]and uses persuasive language and exciting images to
[39:03.00]encourage people to buy a product or service or believe in an idea.
[39:28.73]adj.公共的;公众的 n. (the~)百姓
[39:34.71]This not only drew public attention to research into
[39:39.09]back injuries but also encouraged a lot of people
[39:40.88]living with all kinds of problems.
[39:53.79]If it passes that test, your application for
[39:57.34]a patent will be published 18 months from the date you apply.
[40:06.55]vt.& vi.拉;拽 n.引力
[40:18.58]v.输送;抽运 n. 泵
[40:34.53]High on the list of annoyances
[40:36.08]when I did some research recently was the overuse
[40:38.66]of abbreviations and excessive punctuation.
[41:09.58]vt.购买;采购 n. 购买
[41:22.77]adj.紫色的 n. 紫色
[41:32.09]The main purpose of a play is to let
[41:34.76]the characters speak for themselves as much as possible.
[41:43.22]n.钱包 , 小钱袋;资金
[41:50.68]vt.推动 vi. 挤 n.推
[41:56.23]While cloning human embryos is illegal in many countries,
[41:59.86]some scientists are already pushing ahead with
[42:02.92]research so as to deliver a cloned human baby.
