山东省|外籍小孩返华需要办理旅行证吗?( 四 )

父母双方均持中国护照 , 双方均不持有外国居留权(如美国绿卡 , 加拿大枫叶卡) , 儿童应该申请旅行证;
Both parents are Chinese passport holders and one of them has foreign residency (e.g. US Green Card Canadian Maple Leaf Card) and the child should apply for a visa.
父母双方均持中国护照 , 其中一方持有外国居留权(如美国绿卡 , 加拿大枫叶卡) , 儿童应该申请签证;
If one parent has a Chinese passport and one parent has a foreign passport the child should apply for a visa if the Chinese passport holder has foreign residency (e.g. US Green Card Canadian Maple Leaf Card). Otherwise a travel permit is required.
父母一方持中国护照 , 一方持外国护照 , 若持中国护照的一方有外国居留权(如美国绿卡 , 加拿大枫叶卡) , 儿童应该申请签证 , 否则要申请旅行证 。
So for example although American babies are born in the U.S. and obtain U.S. citizenship the Chinese Embassy and Consulates in the U.S. still consider American babies to have Chinese citizenship and should apply for a Chinese travel permit when they travel to China. Therefore before returning to the U.S. U.S. babies apply for an U.S. passport and a Chinese travel permit. The China Travel Permit is valid for 2 years. U.S. babies can enter and exit the U.S. with their U.S. passports and entry and exit China with their China Travel Permits.
所以比如美宝虽然出生在美国获得了美国国籍 , 但是中国驻美使领馆还是认定美宝具有中国国籍 , 前往中国时应申办中国旅行证 。 所以美国宝宝回国前都是办理美国护照和中国旅行证回国 。 中国旅行证是2年有效期 。 美国宝宝凭美国护照出入境美国 , 凭中国旅行证出入境中国就可以了 。
Mabel must have a Chinese travel permit to return to China and trying to apply for a Chinese visa at a Chinese consulate with a US passport will not work.
【山东省|外籍小孩返华需要办理旅行证吗?】美宝回中国必须要中国旅行证 , 想拿美国护照去申请中国领事馆中国签证是行不通的 。
